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Nightwithout winter heating beast ,feel extremely lonely and helpless ,making two ,a few drops of tears in the sleeves of their robes ,and fell in the ground ... ... , relationresultThe distance,the sound of heavy footsteps came .
No evil looked up ,saw the Tang source - the sedan, and the Sun Xiaomei two people with a group of bodyguards, along the way .relationresultCome near tothe source of mercury ,raised his head ,looked at the air waving flag ,deeply bent ,bowed respectfully .
relationresultFront and rearbut sometimes not see ,Tang source was much thinner than the original ,if not before Jun him, can saying simply is slim, but is considerably slimmer .Now he is at best ,controlled three hundred jins appearance, appears to lose weight after the rebound ,have also stopped, although the fat base is too large ,is still fatter than ordinary people ,but now there are more people like .
relationresultNoWu puzzle assured at the same time, heart also number comes up a special feeling .Today, on this occasion, he did not let the people down the source of notice .Although Tang source will know ,but you don moye believe should be able to understand the meaning of their own source .
relationresultTang,has always been loyal to the Deva Royal ,even Tianxiang country Lord Yang Huaiyu hardcore force, Tang Wanli and the emperor more life .So no Wu did not want to come down the source ,because the fat once appear here, on behalf of the to be under great pressure !relationresultAscapital is another major family ,although know here happened event ,but was soon removed ,go as far as ,even a lively but dare not look .
It is because of this .Or is it the dare not provoke you moye or your home ,it is because they did not take measures ,but to the rest of the family ,still have absolutely overwhelming superiority !So the big family chose it ,will it end ,have a look and then decide the reaction !The icing on the cake is not timely assistance ,but the risk is much smaller than the latter is not !At this point you moye know ,better clear !relationresultSo hedid not think the Tang source will occur, because he did not want his brother embarrassed, fat than the family is more difficult, one family ,one side is my best brother ,come or not, it is a dilemma !But Tang source or to the !relationresultNot onlyhere ,but also with his fiancee came all together ,in a flagrant way ,work in just ways of high-profile appearance !relationresultThisappearance ,will undoubtedly equal to indicate the position of their own, to regret the the bow ,but also that the Tang Dynasty source ,no way back !relationresultHis practice,showed their final position !relationresultEvenhe didn you beforehand ,moye through the air !relationresultThis wasis the most valuable !relationresultNoevil was somewhat reassuring .
relationresultSincethrough the world, with the fat of mixed together, are just as common a mercenary friend ,but came ,but found that this man is a villain ,but have the true temperament !Slowly to accept the fat man friendship .
Fatso is arguably the largest killer as if one rises from the dead ,only a friend !relationresultButyou do not think in such moye ,frequently is putting into the dangerous situation ,should be the usual look timid and overcautious and some acts funny fat ,become the major city family in which only one dare stand out clearly they support themselves !What is the good brothers ?Action is always stronger than words !relationresultJunMo deposit } floating body under the tower ,came to the Tang source before, said: man ,you how to ? , relationresultTangsource hey smiled, fat face a little smile ,said: you even have to ask? You and me but a par two big bad ,now that you have come ,how I may not come ?You know my temper ,always like to watch, ha-ha ,but this still ah ,this scene ,grandma ,one life to live will not see second times, I to not bad the show ?It is not the treasure ?! , relationresultNoevil laugh ,heartfelt smile .
He heavily patted down the source of the shoulder, seriously looked at his fat face ,looked up there with Sun Xiaomei ,said: brothers ! , relationresultKingmaster nothing more to say other, Tang source that Zhang Dapang face is found ,but also in the eyes of the one to meet and touch .
Sun Xiaomei calmly watching everything ,no talking, didn just hold down the source was forced .Because the wise woman know ,according to the present situation ,although it is your home occupy the absolute advantage, but their source ,Tang this out ,but never go back to the Sun Jiahe Tang .
.. ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com... It is their two root !Good brothers !relationresultNoevil in the world ,were not made several friends ,there is no brother ,this time ,was genuinely and sincerely of say the three words .
To be continued ,!relationresultThe fourth chapter 271st you have your faithful ,I have my insistence ... , relationresultMy guy.This is a difference in warm words !Brother is what ?The highway with Wade ,flames together under pressure to shoulder together ,blessed ,not share with you ,but if there is trouble ,play !Brothers from - to need not say ,only need to do !relationresultThe rising ofa horse hooves ,such as fly ,Jianxingjianjin ,who immediately hair as cream ,burly ,is the main Tang Wanli Tang Tang family ,father .
relationresultTang dismounted to fall down ,front face source ,anger ,angrily say: you this evil creature !But this doesn have neither learning nor skill !Don follow me back ! , relationresultTangsource shrinkage head ,said: please grandpa a moment, when I finished my uncle ah Jun ,immediately returned to noble hall .
You this motherfucker ,dare to tell you I for a supply of sth. ! Tang mad Hu blowing up high, is livid face lifted hand .relationresultGrandpa ... ... I can follow you back, at least for now ! Although in recent years, Tang source used to see scenes, still some fear that their grandfather ,but still head ,argued : Grandpa you can go through fire and water to your majesty ,disregard the family lives ,ready to do anything ,because of your majesty you have intimate grace, and in the world to go through fire and water of the knight love; this is the friendship between men ,wishing I know .
But ... ... You can do anything to your majesty ,I to three less ,can also !! , relationresultGrandpa ,you have your friendship ,have life turn ;and we, are we adhere to ,and not more than .
Tang Yuan speaks volume is small ,but the tone is more firmly : as to now you still insist to royalty ,come how many years you will not change ;grandson although admire your honor, but you want their grandson be quick to switch sides do a disgusting villains ? Alas .
.. ... Tang suddenly dumbfounded at her grandson ,raise hand but never fall .relationresultThen,he took a deep breath ,and said: can you dejected ... ... And know where the stakes .
.. ... , relationresultJust say :three little brothers ! Tang Yuan face a light : I have a brother ,blood brothers ,but there has never been such a brother !This is the first ,perhaps the last .
.. ... From small to large ,never has been to me as a friend, no more will I Tang source as brothers ,three is the only one !Either before or now ... ... I believe the brothers ! Tang source deep tunnel: want to have such a brother one .
He looked down the don ,whispered : as you go through fire and water to be in someone like you . , relationresultTang Wanlistood absently ,suddenly felt this before the grandson was so Related articles:

