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Qin old gentleman, you also feel that they do it well ? See Qin Houde was so angry and rare two Buddhist heaven appearance, Zheng Yuanhao to see light suddenly ,laugh out loud : Qin he must have figured it out ,decided to return to ,right ? , relationresultNoisy ! Qin Houde also did not speak ,parlor outside there was a loud voice , where to a clown ,even delusions in Qin family ,tired of living ? , relationresultAccompanied bythe sound ,Qin days if cross the door ,he respectfully toward Qin Houde saluted them ,then nodded ,this to get behind Qin Houde .
relationresultYou ... ... Qin days if ,how dare you say I ,your Zixunsilu ,do you really think you hid behind the old man no danger of anything going wrong Mody, I need it today when the old man to kill you ! Zheng Yuanhao didn traditionally has not been put himself in the eyes of Qin Tianzong dare out blame themselves, but also the kind of superior attitude ,he suddenly become shame .
relationresult , pa .relationresultThe words of Zheng Yuanhaojust off the lobby ,there was a two applause from clear ,but Zheng Yuanhao seems to be on the throat ,sounds cease abruptly ,his whole body is volley fly up ,and then a heavy fall on the ground ,on both sides of the cheek is red ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com,swollen ,gas high .
relationresultZheng Yuanhao ,you saw this line, want to kill the talented brother ? When Zheng Yuanhao look around everywhere looking for slap herself culprit ,dressed in a yellow beautiful girl appears in the parlour ,behind her stood a mouth open enough to slip into a fist old man .
relationresultTheyellow goose girl is also invited Ling Phyl ,her old man is the master of the house Lebai Ling Ling home now .relationresultZheng Yuanhaoall polar words to say ,we are all focused on Qin Houde ,want to see Zheng Yuanhao so provocative Qin Houde ,Qin Houde would react ,never expect Ling Ling Phyl arrived after the government ,will suddenly toward Zheng Yuanhao hand .
relationresultLing phyl ... ... It is you ... ... You dare hit me in the face ? See a stand in front of Ling Phyl ,Zheng Yuanhao felt his hot face ,face incredible .relationresultWith Zheng Yuanhaoparlour burst into anger ,others see something more .
Zheng Yuanhao is into Wu exit quality ,but Ling Phyl to slap a two gauge face ,so ling Phyl or previous vein Wu territory quality ?relationresultYou are about to kill talented brother ,I hit you two ears can not ? Ling Phyl disgusted look Zheng Yuanhao ,defiantly replied .
relationresultLing Ling Lebai ,your home is it right? Want from a city disappear ? Zheng Yongjin indifferent to what just happened to see in the eyes ,and a picked up the side Lebai Ling ,drink and asked sternly .
relationresultWhatever I do ,Zheng He ,really matter what I do ,I do not know the girl suddenly mad . Be caught off guard by Zheng Yongjin to carry his neck ,Ling Lebai was scared half to death ,his face was drained of blood ,thinking into the short delay .
relationresultWaste material.Zheng Yongjin sees Ling Lebai can not look of disgust ,a curse, the Ling Lebai aside ,began to re-examine the Ling phyl .relationresultLing Phyl ,I want to kill you ! A public occasion by a woman to hit a slap in the face ,proud and arrogant Zheng Yuanhao really difficult to swallow it ,a dull ,Zheng Yuanhao tore up refined and cultured camouflage ,roaring towards Ling Phyl rushed past .
relationresultLing Feierhit Zheng Yuanhao two slap in the face after ,just think of here is the Qin palace ,she couldn perturbed at Qin days if one eye ,Qin days if found in their nodded with a smile ,and not to blame himself ,she hung the heart to fall to real point, is also in this time Zheng Yuanhao launched a stinging attack on her .
relationresultZheng homefamily power is flourish tactic ,wood property method ,some seasons .The reincarnation of the truth ,so Zheng Yuanhao press in greenery, put the Buddha from trees Ling Chao Phyl rolled past .
relationresultLingLebai sees that the forehead cold sweat, he has to stop Zheng Yuanhao ,just want to just Ling Phyl behavior ,he dared not make any sound .relationresultLingLebai know today is completely finished ,regardless of whether or not the act of Ling Phyl just out of their inspiration, Ling home later day will not feel better .
relationresultWhen Zheng Yuanhaothought that Ling Phyl to be their rolled into the meat mud ,she saw Ling Phyl eyes flashed a strange smile ,see Ling Phyl white fingers gently shaking ,a deep blue toward himself has come .
relationresultTempestuous waves.See Ling Feier this trick ,Ling Lebai mouth ,because Ling Phyl make out the way it is Ling home family exercises KingNet power ,tempestuous waves is KingNet power eighth strokes in the last one .
relationresultTempestuous waves requires at least Yuan Wu exit practice to display it, Phyl the girl a vein Wu exit warrior could play a tempestuous waves ? See unbelievable scene ,Ling Lebai feel like the dream .
relationresultTrick,only one ,Zheng Yuanhao was Ling Feier to lift into the air ,and then spat blood fell to the ground ,but this time Zheng Yuanhao failed to climb up ,but completely fell into a coma .
relationresultAfter all,Ling Phyl looked that did not look at Zheng Yuanhao ,but respectfully toward Qin Houde saluted , Qin grandfather ,Phyl just impulse ,not after Qin answer ,the Qin government hands ,also please Qin grandpa .
, relationresultGood ,good ,very good ,Phyl ,to Grandpa and sat down beside her ,let us take to have a look you . Qin Houde had heart suffocated, Ling Phyl fan Zheng Yuanhao two face, and put Zheng Yuanhao to play hematemesis not ,Qin Houde heart rejoicing, suddenly fell in love with the clever daughter-in-law of sun .
relationresultZheng Yuanhao andLing Phyl battle between the flash ended ,it makes the parlour thirty several people have no reaction completely .relationresultIfthe first Ling Phyl fan Zheng Yuanhao two slap attack is successful, then the Ling Phyl second seckill Zheng Yuanhao is a solid ground move ,this completely stirred up the public lobby .
relationresultZheng Yuanhao is not a young generation ,the first master ,how in the Ling Phyl cannot withstand a single blow before ? , relationresultThis Ling Phyl work is what state, how she is stronger than Zheng Yuanhao so much ? , relationresultDid not think of Langkawi generation had made so an evildoer genius ,it looks like Ling home to be developed .
, relationresultAwhisper to one another in the parlour sound ringing ,make a picture of Zheng Yongjin was become very ugly ,just Ling Phyl is late come first ,until he realizes that Zheng Yuanhao is not Ling Feier ,he wants to move already late .
relationresultQin old man ,is this your hospitality ? Zheng Yongjin confirmed that Zheng Yuanhao was just a flesh wound ,his eyes hard to cut Ling Feier out ,this will be indignant geological asked Qin Hau road .
relationresultZheng the master of the house, was only two juniors at make fun of it, then why are you angry ,sat down for a cup of tea ,we have words to say well . Qin Houde now feel comfortable ,but also Zheng Yongjin call him ,but the smiling greeting : Ling the master of the house ,you don look well, with attendance .
, relationresultThis ... ... Zheng Yongjin apparently didn heavy blow would strike the batt ,he not by one, finally accumulated momentum dissipation an empty ,snorts ,find a chair to sit on . Related articles:

