
monster beats mboo oneself breathi

Of the mankind swear allegiance.Think at Long Shi, this is to oneself biggestly indignity.She again how can bear with?

Just at this time, the leaf sound bamboo again opens mouth, "Long Shi, inherit the blood of having the sacred Ultrasaurus on your body, so, you take an oath toward me loyal to."

"What do you say?"Long Shi fiercely raises head.She that aureate eyes in have already been full of a thrombus.This not is compare to receive a huge monster to wildly turn ground that felling.But is will soon get into hysteria madly status.

The Nu light is one Shan in the purple eye.Will thoroughly demolish from this world Long Shi.But drive leaf the sound bamboo raised to block.

The leaf sound bamboo faces to Long Shi, cool way:"Though the your ground real strenght is very strong, but, please remember.Don't despise whichever mankind forever."

The 1 F light breathing floats from his chest however.The breathing is light tiny.At least and purple that overbearingly the breathing compare.Wanting to be many is weak, but is this to appear.But make Long Shi approach the hysterical moment of exploding the edge to soften.The almost crary vision immediately became astounded.

"You.Do you how can have this breathing?You,monster beats.Aren't you mankind?"Long Shi apprehensives to erratically looking at a leaf sound bamboo.

The facial expression of leaf sound bamboo remains cool."You don't need to know why I can own this breathing.As long as recognize this breathing is all right already, only have me.Is in aid of you attain your expectation ground that state, .Are you still not understand?"

The ground is supercilious in Long Shi Yan, to leaf sound bamboo the ground disdain to.Have already completely disappeared in this a moment, the vision complicatedly looking at him, at this time.Her center of earth became more disorderly.Because.She just Yin Zhu feel ground from the leaf, clear is affinal breathing with oneself, and is the warmest that kind of, over there for an instant, she even calls a father, because of.The leaf sound bamboo gushes ground before the chest.Is the sacred Ultrasaurus breathing of the pure and unadulterated most!

But, she isn't more understand., Compare to receive one clan and Long Zu to fix good not become?Otherwise of words.Why is the purple emperor adult that is purple crystal to compare to receive, will with this emperor own a so-called piano of sacred Ultrasaurus ground relate to thus and closely?

These complicatedly mind didn't in Long Shi Xin stop over too for a long time.Because the words of leaf sound bamboo wake her up ground intelligence.She almost understood a leaf in momentary sound bamboo ground the meaning at heart violently shiver."You.You are really in aid of I ……"

Leaf sound bamboo cool way:"Your tradition the blood of sacred Ultrasaurus, demand ground is in the blood most the energy assistance of pure and unadulterated.In addition to sacred Ultrasaurus, only I can give you this kind of strength.And sacred Ultrasaurus for the false dragon of any non- pure and unadulterated blood, all will have already killed a kind of choice, common Long Zu probably will respect adore you, but the sacred Ultrasaurus will demolish you, this is perhaps also the important reason that you don't dare to easily leave ice Sen, much less, is Long Shi.You have been taking you as an evil monster.It is the monster human life a member within field.But be not sacred Ultrasaurus ground descendant, be not?"

Long Shi thoroughly understood, although she doesn't know the leaf conceals in the sound bamboo these words of some meanings.But she can clearly feel.This man says that the ground is true, only have him, so as to give that kind of to expect strength for thousand years.

"I, Long Shi Nuo's cloud.Take an oath by the world name and the soul, wish forever a loyal to piano emperor adult.Never betray.If disobey this asseveration, the world allows of no."

Together and shiningly the golden light releases from the double eyes of Long Shi Nuo's cloud.But her body last and golden red color but convert gradually in this a moment You orchid color.Have a liking for an abnormality oddity.Be like combustion hit the ground flame generally with in that eyes release ground golden light to blend together, brilliantly the ray of light keeps shooting the half is empty, an among those wisps most for purely the energy float a sound bamboo toward the leaf.

It is the descendant of sacred Ultrasaurus.This dragon lion promise cloud undoubtedly also escaped from the restriction of rainbow grade.

Feel promise cloud ground breathing, the leaf sound bamboo can not help producing in the heart a kind of funny and weirdly felling.He of so let promise cloud swear allegiance to oneself.Nature because sacred Ultrasaurus breathing on ground of her body, at compare to receive huge monster to their tallest Class ground leader purple crystal compare receive loyal to of time .Getting the function that the purple crystal ratio receives breathing can living an evolution, this promise cloud is Long Shi.The leaf sound bamboo can feel that her energy has already come to a nine classes as well the bottleneck is peakly.Be like purple elder brother's mulberry to give Si, but he at the right moment owns sacred Ultrasaurus ground again breathing.This promise cloud since has already been sworn allegiance to purple.Strengthen her ground real strenght.Is equal to strengthen purple nearby real strenght.So the leaf sound bamboo just prepares to do so, release the sacred Ultrasaurus breathing of not to is to belong to his on his body, but come from a withered wood of super absolute being machine have already been sworn allegiance to his ground in Long Yin Qin sacred Ultrasaurus soul.

But when promise cloud oneself most the breathing of the origin release after, leaf sound bamboo clearly feel.The breathing on promise cloud body almost with oneself body up sacred Ultrasaurus promise gram rarely the soul breathing completely fit together.Plus her place name word again.He almost can affirm, Long Shi Nuo's cloud of the in front be at the beginning that sacred Ultrasaurus promise gram rare daughter.

If promise cloud knows.Promise gram rare be in the oneself's hand drive complete ruined of.Even body all drive oneself made into a withered wood of super absolute being machine Long Yin Qin, don't know what viewpoint she will have.

Certainly, the loyal to contract is once establishing.She isn't likely to betray a leaf sound bamboo again, be like to compare to receive a huge monster is not likely to betray forever purple similar.

"I, leaf sound bamboo, in the name of piano emperor.Accepting your is loyal to."

Raising a hand is a little bit light.The ray of light of one regiment ivory appears in the right hand index finger of leaf sound bamboo.The white only crosses unreal, direct from the promise cloud between the eyebrows infuses into and integrates into inside her body.

Descend a moment, a regiment strongly white light the sound bamboo chest spray to flow out from the leaf but.Coagulate into a height ground white Ultrasaurus appearance more than three meters around the body of leaf sound bamboo float however revolve, though that is just energy appearance ground, that moment the ground is brilliant with specially strong breathing.Or make promise cloud back those ice Sen the evil monster is greatly shocked.

The sacred Ultrasaurus hardly appears in the world here, they certainly have never seen, but they can feel a leaf the sound bamboo releases breathing of strong.

Sacred Ultrasaurus.It really is the breathing of the sacred Ultrasaurus.This is the promise cloud's last mind.Descend a moment, she clearly feels.Seemed to be what things to fall in pieces inside the oneself body, close behind, around and originally rise Teng ground in the her body blue flame gradually conversion is ivory, at the same time, she ground the body is also quickly livinging variety.Combined to be different from a platinum ratio to receive a king to become a platinum color so, but appeared marvellous variety.

The first gathers evil master chapter 251 ice Sen of piano to swear allegiance(bottom)

Originally golden red color of long unexpectedly become utter darkness like Mo gradually.Even that beautiful eyes also became black, the shape remained fire suddenly and violently.But whole body originally and pre-eminently breathing have been completely astringent, if isn't present evil monsters to all know her ground real strenght.Perhaps will think that she is one to own east blood dragon ground mankind.

The soul sublimates, the chemical element is astringent.At accepted a leaf the sound bamboo deliver the sacred Ultrasaurus breathing for coming at the same time, she also under the influence of leaf sound bamboo oneself breathing.

The leaf sound bamboo is under the sistuation that is dishonest to use a super absolute being machine.Individual real strenght affirmation will be more inferior to than purple of, but.He but have a little very strong ability, that is his soul, he ground the soul atmosphere even still want at purple on, so the promise cloud body would appear thus the geologic change turns.

The flame of ivory violently burns, promise cloud slowly opens oneself ground double arm, bathing is in that ivory light Yan, in addition to before perfect shape outside, more several divided special heavenliness.

Evolve.And then a head of absolute being monster appeared.After promise cloud gets into evolution process.Connect three greatest platinums the ratio receive kings to all can not help secretly shocked.They are clear the real strenght of cloud for feeling a promise to even still want Gao Chu Yi's silk than them.Though this is just 1 kind to delicately feel.But after attaining an absolute being class, this felling is good enough to let them to recognize the real strenght strength of pure Long Shi Nuo's cloud.

Black Mou ground promise cloud although reducing is originally hot for several cents.But many deep, be her body surroundings ground ray of light gradually after refraining from rash action Related articles:

