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For the country share sorrows, the hoe is strong to hand weak, why lead troops to strike against Chang-an, make this traitor, it raises."
The Hey of Wang Can Hei sneers at and says:"The Meng is virtuous, seem not only my one person strike against Chang-an and also have you this Yan state sting history."
"Hey!"The Cao holds to sneer at a , defense way:"I am risen in revolt by the life of Emperor to beg for a thief, which have already Chang-an struck against it say.In order to don't know that my leading troops to come is the Zhao that got Emperor to make first, send punitive expedition your this traitor of.You my bosom friend is a , I cant not bear to kill you, you lead troops benefit state once."
Say words, the Cao holds once the big Xiu kiss, let Wang Can draw back troops to return to.
"Ha ha ha ……"
Wang Can clear voice cachinnation, Hun thick Hong the bright voice keep delivering on the battlefield.
The Cao held Leng Leng, ask a way:"For why laugh first?"
Wang Can stops cachinnation and asks a way:"The Meng is virtuous, and in spite of you can defeat me, do you feel that small emperor's making you lead troops to strike against me is a good heart?I see not definitely, say again the virtuous idea of your Cao Meng is deceitful, will can not tell the trick of small emperor.Let the words that I draw back troops don't say, the Tu increases to joke about an ear!"
The Cao holds to smell speech and smiles to smile, didn't put in the mind.
, The Cao holds to say:"You I the tiger leopard compete with each other, Liu Xie makes profit, for can have what plan first?"
Wang Can Yi listens to, in the heart on moving, the Cao holds this fellow indeed as expected thief Jing, superficially promise Liu Xie to lead troops to strike against him, but have never thought Cao to hold sun to receive Yin to disobey.The matter arrives at present, the Cao holds and Wang Can all Tun soldier at Chang-an in addition to city, at any time can strike against Chang-an, two soldiers gather together together, is very violent strength.
Wang Can directly asks a way:"Is the Meng virtuous, can have courage to strike against Chang-an?"
The Cao holds to shake head a way:"I cannot compare with is first, don't dare to send troops to strike against Chang-an."
, The Cao holds and says:"The Ma Teng Tun soldier is a threat in the outside, I pour courage to lead troops to strike against Ma Teng, don't know for would like to send troops first?You I the fight for 2 people is the affair of oneself brothers, after waiting we to solve Ma Teng, come to decisive battle again, decide who go into a lord Chang-an, you see how?"
The Cao holds to have his/her own plan, isn't likely to follow Wang Can's meaning.
If 2 people together strike against Chang-an, with his original intention mutually Bei, hard according to his plan behaviour.
Wang Can nods to say:"Ma Teng?It is a threat of just right to pour, don't understand Ma Teng definitely, we are also hard to trust decisive battle.Like, I promised, cooperated first to polish off Ma Teng and came to decisive battle again!"
The Cao holds a cachinnation way:"Is generous!"
Is happy in his heart not already, solve Ma Teng, is his square one chess.
In fact, Wang Can and Cao holds to want into a lord Chang-an, have to solve Ma Teng first, because Ma Teng is Liu Xie to biggestly rely on, once Ma Teng is beaten to return to west cool, Liu helped and then losted to biggestly rely on.As for Chang-an the western cool soldier in the city, Wang Can and Cao's holding don't put in the eye, as long as offend go into Chang-an, the general situation settles descend.
The Cao holds to have his own plan, so directly suggests to strike against Ma Teng.
And Wang Can also have his/her own plan and comply with the surrounding to promise down.
Two people originally should immediately engage, but for the sake of respectively of the benefits Be allied to begin, decide to send troops to strike against Ma Teng.Just 2 people all very clear, once solving Ma Teng, both parties immediately will brandish to fight knife to kill toward the other party and decide the ownership right of small emperor.
After 2 people reach an opinion, the shot Zhang pledges and settles down around.
Wang Can embraces a boxing way:"The Meng is virtuous, take leave!"
At this time, the Cao held to suddenly thought of a problem, quickly pulled Wang Can and said:"In order to don't become nervous first, still have a matter to mutually beg for the elder brother, please for promise first."
Wang Can sits down again and asks a way:"The Meng is virtuous, what is up?"
The Cao holds to say:"For first, I listen to a text if saying that your troops strives for private, Guo Jia,'s body is very bad, the Yang son of typical disease, afterwards text if discover that Guo Jia's body unexpectedly turned for the better, such Wan diseases all drive cure well, you affirmation is understanding to cure paroxysm famous doctor, quickly to introduce one person for elder brother, I greatly used!"
Say words, the Cao held a dynasty Wang Can to bend from the waist to do obeisance a to do obeisance.
Wang Can's eyebrows tiny Cu, say:"The Meng is virtuous, you didn't disease, what does the one who seek to curatively cure do?"
The Cao holds to sigh tone to say:"Tell you honestly, striving for of my troops private the drama ambition is just weak and sick, and is hard to cure for good.I listen to a text if the diseases that say Guo Jia are all cured like, so asking you can have curative good method, or know who the ability is admirable skill.If have, please in order to tell first 12, hold to appreciate not to exert."
In Wang Can Xin for a while, Luo Mao's what a guy, this fellow originally for the sake of the drama ambition is just.
On the history, the Cao holds 2 of the most important troops to strive for a private, all because of become sick but the youth early die.
Drama ambition be the Cao holds of the first term strive for a private and first die of illness.After drama ambition just dies of illness, the Xun 彧 just recommended Guo Jia, regrettable Guo Jia is also weak and sick, early and early die of illness.The Cao holds the disease of knowing Guo Jia at present drive cure well, in the heart also some expectation, hope to look for person to cure gamesome ambition just of disease.
Wang Can wanted to think, affirming canned not was used peace to cure illness.
2 people's relation is temporarily quite good,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, finally affirm knife soldier mutually to.
But, Wang Can can not let the Cao hold disappointment again, for this reason Wang Can looked for from the head and said:"The Meng is virtuous, my pouring is to know a famous doctor, this person named China Tuo, the medical skill is matchless, be rated as rare great physician.China Tuo the medical skill is astonishing, you can send a person to look for, if China Tuo be willing to make moves, drama ambition just of the life can protect.
Wang Can the time in benefit state, once made people once look for the trace of China Tuo as well.
However, big world, the huge is boundless, hard search.
Furthermore, China Tuo is to belong to that kind of is more concealed than the tall person of folks, can't easily appear, so finally is that the bitterness looks for have no fruit.The Cao holds to look for good doctor, the Wang Can simply recommendation holds for Cao and makes people seek, perhaps can find out.
Can not find, can say that the Cao holds unlucky, can not cure for good drama ambition just of disease.
Found out China Tuo, was regarded as Wang Can to also exert a son heart.
PS:Four more of a, beg to collect, fresh flowers.

The tenth duke Ba industry chapter 605 is disappointed
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-9-245:57:16 chapter word numbers:2813

Two soldiers put to open appearance and fight imminent.
However, Wang Can and Cao after holding the confabulation but shake hands speech and, cover with both parties' war cloud immediately dissipation to open.
Wang Can tells Cao to hold to cure drama ambition just of person, then return to a soldier in.The Cao holds to come to an a purpose and also turns round to return to, 2 people ride in the war right away and embrace boxing regards mutually, then lead troops to back to walk and return respectively of encampment.
What Liu helped accounts to strive for, is to get rid of a tiger to swallow wolf, according to the plan in the beginning, should be a Cao to hold to strike against with Wang Can mutually, beat you die I live, Ma Teng and Yang Feng just has the opportunity to send army to salvage a hopeless situation, the tiger, wolf unites together and on the contrary wants to solve Ma Teng first at present, and it make people stare Za tongue.
Never so, Liu Xie is finally a chess to differ a to recruit.
In fact, Cao's holding the plan starting most is to make Wang Can defeat Ma Teng, then make use of Wang Can to defeat Yang Feng and let thus Liu Xie's break out of plea for help from him Chang-an.
The change that helps along with Liu, the Cao held to also change strategy.
He pretended first to accept the aim idea that Liu helps, then complied with the surrounding to arrive Chang-an and put together and prepared to strike against Ma Teng with allied Wang Can.Such means have to say that the means holding Cao was brilliant, made Liu Xie allly calculate to all end up in nothing all of a sudden.After Cao holds to lead troops to return to encampment, drama ambition just, summer Hou Yuan, the joy will get to all arrive at a big debt into etc. in.
Allow stands erect in the big debt like a knoll, full is a depressed facial expression on the face.
He prepares for a fight and all has already prepared to flick knife to go to battle to kill an enemy, can the Cao hold very light one to withdraw troops camp let to allow to seem an one punch to beat once at in the air, very suffered, suppress one belly fire, but have no place to vent.
The Cao holds vision to brush past public, say:"The any questions in the everybody heart all speaks."
The summer Hou Yuan station comes out and embraces a boxing to say:"Lord male, why do we withdraw troops?"
Because the Cao holds to sit on the center confabulation of battlefield with Wang Can, the voice isn't big, summer Hou the Yuan etc. person to don't know that the Cao held to say with Wang can what, nature not understand the Cao hold why suddenly withdraw troops.They lead troops come Chang-an, be for striking against Wang Can, can after two soldiers meet, the Cao holds direct withdraw troops, let

