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Still walk not and quickly."The color has never quitted to say with smile:"The Fu shopkeeper is why the need for thus nervous, we still keep walking while saying."Fu shopkeeper originally very is sink of lived spirit, rude in behavior just but thus, it is thus clear that the color didn't quit but is to talk that smiling is self-composed, hence unwillingly said with smile:"I have what nervous."Quickly several heels go up.
The Fu shopkeeper sees when the color have never quitted to walk unclearly annoy Chong sting whole body inside 1 inside the body, be like an invisible shield, is all the time protecting him, public all generally is getting body to walk, can his nearby but vacate Chinese foot, side person how can not also close to, this etc. effort to is really remarkable, and then deeply knows once that he belongs to a little wood send, careful a wear whet, the little wood sends in like this is profound inside the person of dint in addition to in addition to Zhang square, head in regulations hospital, and in addition to three greatest yx absolute being monks, the others aren't likely to have this state, can see some time Ji, temporarily and then guess that he is little regulations wood a hospital head unique color master.Think this stanza, not from of send out laughter.
Just the color didn't quit and also is guessing Fu shopkeeper exactly is what identity, but don't notice laughing of his abnormality, the side walks side way:"The Fu shopkeeper doesn't say that the color is some to don't necessarily then don't know Xiao.Three year agos, the Heng mountain sends old often door'divine power iron sword'reply a son way to grow 80 greatest lives, he then wants to take advantage of this to step back a Zhang door from the fighting skill of Zhi Li in the pupil the tallest two pupils among them of one is used as a Zhang door.An among those are Heng mountains to send big pupil, river Hu Ren calls'the south Yue scholar'of He Fan.Is another to would be to enjoy to reply an achievement inside the son to fix for, the divine power is being green to proceed from is blue'the boxing collapse Mount Taishan'Fu ……"
The Fu shopkeeper more listens to more spirit and finally still keep cannot helping but spirit, way:"Does the unique color master why the need for force to do?"The color didn't quit a way:"The color is some to not is to have intention to violate openly, can the Fu shopkeeper is exactly an enemy is a friend, the color is some ……" suddenly feels not to, just the Fu shopkeeper clearly calls his/her own"unique color master", the momentary is like to be sprinkled a pail of cool water, whole body a cool.Mumbling way:"You call I ……you call I ……ha ha, the Fu shopkeeper really plays trick."
Fu shopkeeper but is that one face is serious, way:"Who all haven't to want to let the affair that people know, the color guest officer's business for me is also uninterested, pay an officer to stop forcing to doing, I think the meaning that you know me."The color has never quitted to force a to smile and added a wariness more to the Fu shopkeeper, only don't ask again so much and walk on the road, in heart is empty.
The Fu shopkeeper secretly saw one expression of eyes don't quit and see he have no again ask oneself the appearance of the affair, be breath a sigh of relief.Originally arrived Luo sun for three years, made greatest efforts to make oneself forget the business of three year agos, be had never quitted by the color to re- bring up this time, not from of the recollection has things of the past.He thinks a control, but is an inability for the dint.
The Fu shopkeeper nameds Fu just and originally lived in a small town of Xuan state in Hunan, the opportunity of a fortuity met a 89-year-old girl in the store door, that girl calculate not up beauty incomparable, but from have one prettiness of turning over, 20 successful in career Fus just fell in love with her at the first sight at that time, the beginning eats the taste of first love.Through in many ways find out, just know that woman to is the disciple that replies a son in the Heng mountain Zhang door and accept her as adopted daughter afterwards and named breeze exquisite, hence then climb mountain after a few unexpected obstacleses, finally threw in Heng gate to a monastery bottom, Fu just born resume lead person,cnn, must reply a son very much of joyful, soon then become Heng mountain to send the fifth apprentice.
Two of them's person's day is long to living feeling, really be the admiration of a side of person.Canning from generation to generation don't necessarily exert is like shadow of human figure, at that time big pupil be suffused with to four younger sister Shi the breeze was exquisite to early have good will, just didn't dare to express.The natural Fu just did obeisance into after Heng gate to a monastery descended, he saw four younger sister Shis more and more neglect himself/herself, finally unbearable vindicated to ownly think with her, can the breeze is exquisite to treat him such as eldest brother similar, there is basically no the feeling of so-called children.He Fan but is deeply sink a feeling net ability not from pull out, momentary Heng mountain the parties be not and rather been a chicken dog by what their 3 people make, usually occurrence fight affairs.
The absolute being side iron sword replies a son to know this matter, but is how from it temper all is to have no, affair again descend to go thus, only afraid will make unmanageable situation.Reply a son to have no way, and oneself the year lead 80, heart have already abdicated, at the right moment lend this opportunity, use an of Zhang door, temper their senior younger brother the whetting of match.
Can reply a son but do amiss a matter, what be suffused with to send a master elder brother for Heng mountain, originally replied a son to occupy, all was to make him turn to tell many senior younger brothers, can the affair this time relate to his He Fan, replying a son should not let he to turn to tell this matter.Can reply a son heart in think, they senior the younger brother hadn't once talked for a long time for the sake of they's daughter's business, at the right moment can lend this affair, let they shake hands talk well, then let be suffused with to tell Fu just, ten 2 people have a competition in the days to come, let they are in the Zhang door of the moderate breezes was exquisite in do a choice, can do an of Zhang door than Wu Sheng Fang, and inherit iron sword, hurt the commendable breeze was exquisite for the wife.

Text 37
The fragrance of books house renews time:2010-6-616:02:14 chapter word numbers:1623

37 replied a son to think this matter to think for a long time, can attain two from thinking all together beautiful, can as a result but is unexpected happening, finally spirit throw up blood but Wu.
Fu just naturally not know replied a son and He Fan Jiang of is what, he at that time positive moderate breezes exquisite at after the mountain did sword and did tiredly sit upright on the rock take a rest, conveniently the chat talked smile.Suddenly master, elder brother, He Fan Zou, , come over, they then don't dare again so warm and affectionate.
He Fan Ban wears a face to walk to two of him's in front, and then way:"Fu just younger brother Shi, for the sake of four younger sister Shis' businesses, I knew I and your misunderstanding more and more deep."He Fan although from medium more Zu Rao, can Fu just but always took him for master elder brother, the meaning didn't blame him at 1:00, see he say so, way:"In fact ……" He Fan Lan he of words, way:"You listen to me saying.I know what four younger sister Shis like is you."Turned a head to see several exquisite one eyes of one eyes, saw his half lower the head, the whole face already dizzy and red one.Immediately don't know in the heart is what feel, just almost need to go into action, and then strong endure a way:"Teacher says with me today, the his old house originally didn't want to get involved us in, but don't want to see our senior the younger brother quarrel again, he is 80 greatest lives in old man's house after ten days, meeting the person of same belief of the Yan river lake good friend, the teacher also wants to lend this let an of Zhang door."
The Fu just was exquisite with breeze to eat a surprised, the positive desire openings mutually asked, He Fan immediately after way:"Teacher he says with me, two of us who win who be a Zhang door, and ……and can also marry younger sister Shi as wife."The breeze is exquisite on listenning to, way:"My dad is the most painful I, does he how can do so?You aren't lending an of teacher, cheating five younger brother Shis here."He Fan Dao:"Younger sister Shi don't know, teacher this obviously sides with and five younger brother Shis?"Saw breeze exquisite one eye, saw her a full face question, not etc. her openings, short cut:"The teacher knows perfectly wells my fighting skill of way to cannot compare with five younger brother Shis, he uses this way, Qi not is have heart to help two of you."What be suffused with almost will reply a words of son anti- say, he really is like breeze exquisite, if the Fu just believed him and just won victory on that day and was tantamount to give up elder sister Shi but take an of Zhang door than the force, by that time matter with cast into, is with the night.
The breeze is exquisite originally don't like that the adopted father regarded as the counter to her very much similar, be listen to He Fan said so, the adopted father really sided with himself/herself, because senior the younger brother did the time of fighting skill all always would learn by exchanging views skill in martial arts, but none of He Fan was a Fu each time the opponent just, only Fu just feared him disgraceful, stayed a skill each time, beat one extremely don't hurt of situation, but all of public in the minds were very clear.Thought of this stanza, unavoidably secretly happy in the heart, but have no the meaning of the tight adopted father again.Turned a head to see an eye Fu just, saw him calm and steady a face, and then listenned to his way:"Teacher his old man's house can't do so of, exquisite be into a wager, so the Qi was to don't respect him too much."
The breeze is exquisite to looking at him, clearly know that the teacher is been siding with to him, can he but why say so.He Fan Dao:"Fu younger brother Shi since say so, you certainly don't come to compare force by that time, this equaled to lose similar, you do your Zhang door by that time, I heel younger sister Shi ……ha ha."The Fu just came forward an one step, way:"Who say unlike, I must win this game."What be suffused with one Zheng, and then hideous smile way:"I can't show leniency by that time."Talk to turn round and then walk.
Fu just and breeze exquisite thought that the ratio is martial for ten day to necessarily win undoubtedly, very happy in the heart, but have never thought what the words being suffused with are true

