
cheap beats by dre light but others

Unit pressure toward large enveloped them over, so that they are not even a chance to escape .relationresultHowever inLu Ping they despair when, suddenly appeared in the sky a golden light ,and then saw a golden light directly fall, will be the five big mind suddenly broke up ,fly back to five lines of Shenfan .
Then the rays is a direct hit ,great king heart ,was directly to the great king knocked to the ground .relationresultThis sudden changemakes Lu Ping they are staring eyes ,looking at the sky in the golden slowly flew back to the old monk hands ,it is to let Lu Ping their eyes rounded ,dare not believe this thing is true ,but the old monk is still with a smile ,on the mana is still just the black immortal later realm ,this let them really can old Taoist can even be great kings .
relationresultSee the oldmonk the thing in the hand, Lu Ping they found that it was only a metre long ,like a stick ,is divided into many sections ,and each section are engraved with runes transmission ,although it looks very ordinary, but just from the blow up five big spirit ,shot down the power of great king however ,let a person dare not belittle the treasure ,but more let a person want to know is this old monk who in the end ?How to have such powerful magic weapon .
relationresultLu Pingsome of them watched the old monk ,since they are not asked old monk who ,now see the old monk Glen ,suddenly is intrigued ,he received five Shenfan ,fly back to the old monk ,Lu Ping opposite the old monk respectfully almost ingratiating asked , who are you ?Your hands this talisman is what ah ?So how much power ? Other people are looking at old Taoist face .
relationresultThe oldmonk listen to the words of Lu Ping with a smile ,and then to Lu said , take ,the word Ziya ,free saints Primus door ,this is called whip . The old monk did not show off any meaning ,but listen to the Lu Ping their ears was like a bolt from the blue ,they are not thought of the ordinary monk is actually the legendary very badly with Jiang Ziya .
relationresultAlthoughLu Ping them to heaven characters don ,but Jiang Ziya such a figure they know ,this is the apotheosis of war hero ,free can defeat intercept religion ,in which most of the credit is to be attributed to Jiang Ziya .
Although Jiang Ziya eventually failed to become a God, but because the hands are playing whip ,but can control the gods makes heaven ,heaven the gods to obey him .This allows Lu Ping to them is really not believe something is true .
relationresult , relationresultIn460th chapter , relationresultAlthough Jiang Ziya quality not ,but because it is the destiny of man ,so also is Primus next doing a disciple .Jiang Ziya just for monastic above don talent ,but on tactics, strategy and war and other interested, this is afterwards Jiang Ziya Xi Qi army to help win the reason .
relationresultInthe following ,although Jiang Ziya could not gods ,but because of playing whip in hand ,can control the heaven gods ,the gods by heaven to obey him ,is also achieve success and win recognition .
Jiang Ziya just for these things also is not very interested in the myth ,is after the retirement ,although he qualified well, but try contrast also reached a longevity realm ,this is enough for Jiang Ziya .
relationresultShushansword sends each held him when Jiang Ziya assembly ,are going to have a large stock of information ,and because of Jiang Ziya ,but also popular with wonderful ,so that each assembly in Taoism are let Jiang Ziya go .
But she never knows Jiang Ziya identity ,all think that Jiang Ziya is a very ordinary priests .relationresultLu Pingeyes watched the old monk Jiang Ziya ,cheap beats by dre,though he is very surprised ,but also very soon relieved .
Despite this Jiang Ziya is very great, but their master Kong Yu is still worse than a lot ,too many holes in a jade legend ,for such a thing they become inured to the unusual .See the old monk face a smile ,Lu Ping they are restored prior to the old Taoist attitude ,Lu Ping opposite the old monk Jiang Ziya said , also cannot think of really old you is Jiang Ziya predecessors Oh ,really sorry sorry ah ,you have a look ,you are the predecessors ,see our junior, how do not know to meet ceremony .
, relationresultAfterLu Ping is up to his Jiang Ziya robe ,playing whip power they have seen ,if it can find something else from the Jiang Ziya magic ,that they have not made .Jiang Ziya looked at Lu Ping action ,laughs and Lu Ping will hand out ,then said , have only this one playing whip ,no other weapon ,or will it give you playing whip .
, relationresultLu Ping listened tothe words of Jiang Ziya suddenly is staring eyes, and then is crazy nodded ,and then do not hesitate to whip from Jiang Ziya hands grabbed ,but tragedy and it is from this moment ,I saw Lu Ping playing whip hand in when, the person is to fall to below ,then severely hit on the ground ,but Lu Ping hand still tightly holding the whip ,looks very funny .
relationresultThisplaying whip only destiny personnel can be used, in the hands of the fate of the absence of light ,but others are heavier than the mountain .Lu Ping did not know the reason ,and the old monk Jiang Ziya is deliberately play Lu Ping ,so Lu Ping is going, was playing whip with the hard hit on the ground ,although no injuries ,but also got the gray .
relationresultSee Lu Ping,they all laughed ,and Lu Ping is naturally understood themselves to be old monk Jiang Ziya play ,but no angry .While at this time ,a roar sounded out of thin air ,the original defeat in the great king is now stood up ,roaring toward Lu Ping them here rush .
relationresultSee thegreat king rushed in ,Jiang Ziya a hand will whip recall ,then towards the great king to get rid of ,only playing whip into a golden light toward the great king to play ,is a direct bombardment in the great king ,and played great king a stagger, fell on the ground such a blow to Venus ,King continued to shout ,double claw constantly toward the sky to attempt to seize ,playing whip .
relationresultTowhip this ancient artifact ,not only have endless refinement, but also can control the gods of heaven .And the heaven the gods in heaven three hundred and sixty-five stars ,with an unlimited stars power .
Looking at the roar of the great king ,Jiang Ziya a hand will whip the recall ,then waved towards the sky ,suddenly the sky is the appearance of a star ,it is with Infinite Energy Star force ,crashing fall in great king .
relationresultJust to heara loud noise ,the great king of the stars in this inexhaustible force attack spirit all destroyed ,direct is turned into dust .This picture to see lupin they are shocked, did not think this playing whip actually is so powerful, with a great king unexpectedly such simple solutions ,but they can only envy myself ,playing whip is their ability to use .
relationresultIn the distanceat which a war long eyebrow ancestor and various martial art master ,as well as all Menpai disciples are also looked at Jiang Ziya behavior between will Venus king to execute ,which for them is also very strange ,can believe this is true ,because they and the old monk Jiang Ziya contact for a long time ,never seen him show this ability ,now suddenly hot ,nature is somewhat difficult to accept . Related articles:

