
beats by dre studio estroy everything !

You will have to guard against .relationresultNow theson say ,all will have been solved .Sure enough, heard the words of young children ,no doubt a pat chest : ha ha ,good !Before I let you know what the real fisherman technology ! , Yijun ,you ready to go back to the fisherman ? Ouyang in the side ,I smile ,at the hand of Ouyang with a fish on the grill .
relationresultIt is not impossible ,until all over ,and I don continue like now . then I will restore everything to overseas ,and then back to the overseas go life is also a good choice .
Yi Jun says his face appeared vision expression .relationresultSeesuch expressions of Ouyang and Wei Bingyi are both one, in that moment the two of them should be clearly felt that the true words of .
relationresultThe twomen looked at each other ,if not now cornered cornered, two people may make Yijun left ,but who now have no choice ,only one chance they are not venomous, after all, who can guarantee that the king of resurrection will again change ?For such a person ,the only way is to let him close my eyes forever ,there against them .
relationresultYou have no lofty ideals and high aspirations ,I think all over, I will find someone to put it all into a legend ,let later generations can carefully read read and sung ! , Wei Bingyi waved and said with truth .
relationresultOuyang is the lead . Ouyang all over what do you want in life ? Yijun ,sit to the side of Ouyang asked quietly .relationresultYes,I am,beats by dre studio? I promised to send them a grand wedding ,I will ask you to join ! Ouyang looked at the food , he said this sentence is true very .
relationresult,I give you prepare a super gift ! Yi Jun beat his chest ,but Yi Jun is a great man ,but he standing in the wrong team .relationresultNo, you can give me the best gift is Ouyang !Really hope that one day everyone down the so-called he complain then stands in the drink together about ah ! Ouyang eyes full of expectation .
relationresultKing,Queen ,Yijun ,seventh squadron members ,and exit dead players of every hue ,and later with his hatred or resentment ,if really can gather ,it is a kind of scene !But this can only imagine ,after all, Ouyang also clear ,it is never possible ,the dead end ,eventually leaving the had he survived, but recall the past fear always have a regret .
relationresult,then I must be to ! Maksim the laugh very true ,but he does not know, his life has been a bit near the end .relationresultThelife in the water of the strong, will soon die in front of the Dongming waters .
Ouyang He Wei Bingyi has already played a kill of the heart, two people can not let go of .relationresultOuyang glanced at hisson ,his eyes have a bit sorry ,but in fact he knows ,he will kill the son would never have thought of ,but this is the reality ,not he wanted ,but must be going to do .
relationresultYou look at the front !Oh my God !Water from the days together ! Gloria ,pointing ahead ,her a hand over his mouth, this lives since childhood in the mountain village .Girls or first time see such spectacle .
relationresultThis is Lian Tianjiang ,this is Lian Tianjiang the origin of the name ,it is said that the highest and lowest drop foot million meters ,while our boat will let you have an Cheng Zhou and apotheosis ! Yijun ,looking ahead ,the silver water really as from the nine day of starship in flowing down to the general .
relationresultI remember that I had been a world there is a poem called what the sky, I always think it is thought ,it seems the world really has such a spectacle ! , Ouyang also had to gasp in admiration ,the drop foot million meters sky River ,this section is the most dangerous place .
relationresultIt is Dongming waters ,I brought you up ! Maksim standing on the bow, the boat had started up ,beginning at a seventy-five degree angle against the current, this scene may only appear in the fairyland ,only practitioners can do ,so steep a torrential river ,let alone is the cruise ship ,even motorboats could not go on .
.. ... , relationresultSo exciting ! Gloria ,catch the boat, a fear of a careless fall down to seventy-five degree ,after all, the ship had to travel, this can be more exciting than a roller coaster .
relationresultWhat is this !We had this section you will know this sky River real beauty ! Yi Jun Lian Tianjiang is very familiar ,this being the river for some of the most beautiful is the most upstream, just want to live here and then arrived by boat in the area can be Dongming is not the ordinary people can do ,an immortal here may be Dongming waters form the kind of God to devour much responsibility vortex .
relationresultOh?There beauty ? Together ,Ouyang and Wei Bingyi stood up ,two people have a few look color .relationresultHaha ha .Legend of the there are many magnificent place ,while to the above I promise you two must be surprised ! Maksim laugh and keep ship to pull ,then look back to ,some distance below the waters have thousands of meters ,the distance seems too stimulating, have the acrophobia person here basically will directly to death .
relationresultI think of the past had a transport ,dynamic called bungee jumping from high places ,is behind the jump ,then tied a rope ,now we are standing position ,I am afraid that people would not dare to jump ! Ouyang actually had wanted to challenge a bungee jumping ,but have no chance ,when he had the chance when it has become immortal ,high-altitude flight subduction are nothing ,a bungee jumping is never mentioned Ouyang .
relationresultI heard you ,it is a high-tech world ! Maksim natural heard of Ouyang planet .relationresultWell, but that it is some gadgets ,absolute power in the face of all the science and technology also have no meaning ! Ouyang nodded ,but he said nothing wrong ,even to the earth for thousands of years developed star fleet again how? Even the star fleet flight unlimited billion years are absolutely impossible to fly to the fairyland ,and no matter how powerful star fleet is definitely not immortal adversary, fairy waved his hand is giant earthquakes and landslides ,reach the level of Ouyang is more of an idea is enough to destroy everything !No matter what the laser particle cannon ,it becomes a cloud in .
relationresultthe universe of 1 000000000 universes in countless small world ,many places are very strange ,later have the opportunity that can go to ! Yi Jun said, they have reached the most upstream location .
relationresultWow ... ... , son suddenly called out ... ... ... ... Because the upstream of the scenery is so beautiful, beautiful let blue one Look at everything here ... ... !~ !relationresultThe 298th chapter for , relationresultOn themost upstream in a moment ,also lost in the beauty of .
The water from the river connecting the sky be riotous with colour ,around 100 H1a bloom ,bloom .The river water, a vortex as one small world ,or clockwise or counterclockwise ,and every swirl ,has a water column is connected with nine days .
relationresultFrom afar,it all seemed descend from heaven down God shines around will all become magical and mysterious !relationresultI had a bad mood always like to come here, because this can make me forget everything . Related articles:

