
beats by dre Hand block day _588

, or to destroy the space gate .relationresultThinkingof raising their in vivo ,Li Yifeng will not completely dissolve lions roar strength directly onto the space of the door ,and now he is seemingly just resolving power ,strength ,prevent injury, secretly went on to do some trick .
relationresult... ... , relationresultHe isinterested in ,the seven hills treasure space gate direct explosion .relationresultNo, Li Yifeng ,you have a death wish . In the seven s treasure door fragmentation at the same time, Li Yixue sent a hoarse shouting ,regardless of being the Mundus hit ,in vivo erupts a staggering death breath .
This is the knife ,taught her death when she didn knife gas ,because she doesn that passion, did not feel this between the world of dead air ,nature also is not sent the dead knife gas .
relationresultNowLi Yixue was broke the most powerful death knife gas ,although she in foot Burgundy beast Mundus battle ,but the gods wish was aware of seven ,treasure the spatial gate .
She believed ,Zhao Long will be out, even if can not become the hills ,he will come out .relationresultButunexpectedly, just was sent flying out of the Li Yifeng ,even with the space gate unloading force ,will the spatial gate of ruin .
relationresult... Bang ... ... Li Yifeng had no idea Li Yixue with crazy to himself ,he continued to resist, angrily :relationresultYou ,what ,is of vital importance to heaven when he does not come out ,so long ,would be dead inside .
relationresultYou used todo not comply with the family elders arrangement ,by a knife ,to guard you will do as one pleases ,now in the major issues issues of right and wrong when, in spite of heaven to safety, different enemies ,even on my hands, you crazy bitch ,go die .
, relationresultThe stormis like Li Yi of anger is lost ,but his words let everyone hear ears .Seemingly station in righteousness ,cheap beats by dre,but at that moment Li Yifeng heart is more of a revenge because he was cool ,from small to large ,what is the most outstanding ,but Li Yixue has everything he head pressure .
relationresultHegentle, but hearts are to Li Yixue guts ,wanted to put Li Yixue away is his idea ,secretly encouraged family elders decided to use Li Yixue to heaven another alliances .
But unexpectedly, Li Yixue should have been received for the apprentice ,knife ,which he did not receive treatment .relationresultEven Li Yixuein the seal of the small earth encounters ,awareness of a common man ,to the heaven was able to easily defeat yourself, yourself into hills ,which Li Yixue has also become a buddha .
.. ... Today ,finally can be right and proper to kill her, until now ,to cause the Li Yifeng name ,the best shot hit Li Yixue .relationresultI fuck your grandma ,Li Yifeng ,what the fuck are you have a death wish .
.. ... Ni steel thunder ,hate not immediately rushed to kill Li Yifeng Li Yixue .But he is the only one left with the thunder tower two, in his Mundus offensive has been like that in the sea boat capsized ,may at any time ,have no ability to rush over to help .
Would have to kill you ,kill you ... ... At the moment Li Yixue teeth to bite ,even out of her eyes tears, hate ,hate myself at that time did not allow Zhao Long to Li Yifeng .Now she he wanted ,even to death ,will kill Li Yifeng .
relationresultAlthough Li Yifenghas ice dragon sword ,but faced Li Yixue desperately moves, also be played to successive defensive ,not quick .relationresultTheir wayup there is infighting ,evil be overwhelmed with joy ,they seem to have seen the arrival of heaven .
relationresultNowthe emperor in the galaxy ,he now has become enormous, he did not like the generation of large Mundus is born has the body .But he continued to absorb forces ,returned to the Mundus was when, power is quite terrible .
relationresultEven if heis a star to have a huge ,but with the Milky Way Galaxy than also appears very insignificant ,but now his huge body ,but a few bigger than the Milky Way Galaxy Reiki are quickly evacuated .
While the huge galaxy in his opinion ,is not so great ,the gods wish to cover all at one glance .relationresultThegod hand slowly lifted ,the hands of a brighter than the sun photosphere occur ,then direct bombardment .
relationresultPerdition magic light . The light came to lay in the Galactic periphery ,the seal is a tremendous shock ,it split the song .relationresultTheemperor attacks did not stop ,but is faster and faster ,the light is more and more strong ,gradually the seal is beginning to loosen ,fragmentation .
relationresultTheMilky Way Galaxy even for large Mundus is really not small, see seal gradually detonation wear fragmentation ,the emperor of the gods wish to sweeping the galaxy .Here to find hundreds of wisdom civilized planet ,and several have been quite good ,to the development of the primary space age ,have a plurality of colonization of the planet .
More still primitive ,strength of the strongest is activated only, on the demon emperor is simply not interested .relationresultHe was justin the earth more advertent ,but want to extreme ,not to hide in here, but specific to hide where it is hard to find .
Because now the supreme ,almost become large hills ,his world has appeared .You know, Dan cultivation is the strength ,the heaven is more sentiment world rules ,especially to them this step ,the Supreme God is very clear in what to do .
relationresultseal of the Great Wall ,down breath stop my gods wish to exploration ,want to secretly feeling heaven rules ,you .Since the affected couldn find out clearly ,I will destroy this cloud .
The emperor said, raising his hand to perdition magic light around a planet with the wisdom of life .relationresult. This planet is directly blown apart, the emperor also has destroyed dozens of planets ,see still no response ,grunted coldly ,the body is once again a few times .
A hard chop a knife ,the knife gas sweeping ,encountered the star have burst ,a hundred star have burst .The final detonation in a like the sun to the planet, causing explosion ,caused a few times larger than the sun ,Galaxy vanquished .
relationresultRemember that on this planet has words, known as the most dangerous place is the safest place ,the emperor was here for a period of time ,you are here for a period of time .I ruin in the solar system, destroying the old left the door into the .
The emperor said, he went directly to the solar system .relationresultHethat a direct detonation to the sun ,once the sun exploded ,the entire solar system will completely destroy .relationresultJust beforedetonation in the sun, the earth suddenly appeared a huge palm ,palm Zhetianbiri, great to imagine ,like an adult holding a table tennis ball, directly to the earth in the hands .
relationresult. The sun burst ,but that the palm of the hand in ,but the explosion hazard all in all .relationresultThis force is not the supreme that old guy ,but ... ... How could large hills .
.. ... Although he just off the remnants of broken sun ,but are not in general ,Mich. Mundus level can resist .But can directly hold a planet ,this means is large ,with the magic emperor to have ,but with their supreme Primus ,how there may be other people reach this state ,how will have such things .
relationresultFortunately, in time, if the earth is destroyed ,even if the Armageddon ,let the world return to chaos I also not to hesitate to ,at all you demons . At this time, have been destroyed in the solar system, the sun ,the huge explosion in rampages ,Zhao Longzheng stepped out .
He was out of the way with the emperor ,but also to their own world and is connected with the main world ,every step of the way ,the body will become twice as big ,in the twinkling of an eye is Burgundy large Mundus be roughly the same ,stand far apart facing each other across the air . Related articles:

