
Beats By Dr Dre Studio combination with

This is undoubtedly the giant slime no new skills ,Xiao Hua dare not neglect ,hurried to skip a few step aside .relationresultDetonation!A loud noise ,variability of slime body hit the ground ,Xiao Hua only felt hill shakes quake ,the movements of the body moment slow down !relationresultNo injuries,but his attack speed and movement speed instantly mad by !relationresultThiswas a large range of negative state skill ,Xiao Hua had not seen ,met for the first time ,was in action .
relationresultVariability ofslime as Xiao Hua was shot, not hesitate a crash then hit .relationresultIn this state,the speed reduction is in any case is mad ,do not completely Dodge ,but Xiao Hua managed to move sideways ,at least to avoid crit .
relationresultHit!50. , relationresultXiao Hua headthe last red figure rises ,it is common to hurt .He is only 170HP ,if a crit ,luck and a little blood skin ,not luck ,directly to the seckill !relationresultButthe blow later, Xiao Hua returns to normal ,hastily swallowing a bottle of miniature life recovery agent ,even if not crit ,he this blood is also resistant to not a few .
( miniature life recovery agent :restoring 10HP ,lasts 15 seconds .) , relationresultThe identification of thecooling time is one minute ,prowl cooldown is now five minutes ,from the cooling end now .
In desperation ,Xiao Hua dagger drawn in the variability of slime .relationresult0.Not broken against the results of .relationresultAlthough thegeneral attack on variability of slime body can crit chance, but under the online experience ,if broken against the normal attack ten times to two crit ,without breaking the defense case ,crit chance will be reduced by ten times ,fifty times will not be a storm hammer !This is the second world famous absolute defense law !relationresultXiao Huadid not give up the hard cut more than 10 ,just not a critical strike ,not by is thoroughly dead heart .
relationresultNotonly such ,skills cooling time is over, and Xiao Hua pray variation slime HP recovery speed is too high .relationresultWith great caredefense variation slime attack ,he was not afraid of the impact ,the smashing the state large cooling time to thirty seconds ,and when time variation of slime body will have more obvious signs ,the next second smash attack ,in the preparation of the case ,Xiao Hua tread lightly, very relaxed completely dodge off .
relationresultOne minutepast ,Xiao Hua once again threw out the identification of .The identification of the success ,the red point appears in the variability of slime body front .relationresultDrawup a dagger !0.
No crit !relationresultA substantially 0from variation in slime heads up ,Xiao Hua see, full of tears ,his heart would break .relationresultThe patience towait for another minute ,once again lost an identification of the past !relationresultHP5000!relationresultSisterchest !Two minutes to restore full of blood ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,also make a bear !relationresultXiao Huaspeechless thinking .
At the moment is to spell but recklessly ,but an elite BOSS is before ,so Xiao Hua was reluctant to leave .You know, 20 before ,in front of BOSS game player is dish ;20 later, game player is in front of BOSS dish .
relationresultAfter level 20,let alone the elite BOSS ,is BOSS ,a team of priests ,warrior ,mage knight ,shield ,resistant to restore a output of the classic combination ,with good could also take ,with slightly wrong, just wait group die !Can say miss today ,he don monkey Ma again challenged the elite BOSS .
relationresultGrindingfor a while ,stealing skills cooling end ,Xiao Hua then habitually to variation in slime lost a theft operation .relationresultSystem hint:you get slime King Leather Armor ( unidentified ) .
relationresultGao Lem WangLeather Armor ?What is it? It !relationresultHesteal is now master of monsters ,stealing the success rate was 20% ,while the other was full of blood of the elite BOSS ,cannot say not good luck to the extreme .
Played the thieves knew ,regardless of whether the target is a game player or monster ,full blood condition, theft operation success rate is much discount .relationresultXiao Huathen set eyes ,but see the opposite variation slime wearing leather armor has disappeared ,he stripped down !relationresultUnable to endure,Xiao Hua dagger drawn up !relationresultThe seventh chapter coquettish footwork , relationresult15.
relationresultA scarlet letterup ,broken defense !relationresultXiao Hua sawgreat rejoicing ,it is there is a way out !See identification of the cooling end, Xiao Hua again to the variability of slime lost a identification technique .
relationresultIdentification ofsuccess !relationresultVariability ofSlime ( Elite ) :LV15 ,HP4985 ,60 -- 70 physical attacks ,magic attacks 10 -- 10 ,def 50 ,magic 50 .relationresultMom ,it serves you right !See how I killed you ! Xiao Hua laughed .
Defensive half out ,slowly grinding to wear you to death !relationresultDefensefell by half ,so he stole the slime King Leather Armor defense is not as high as 50 ?relationresultI think so,Xiao Hua can cast backpack felt leather armor .
relationresultGao Lem Wangleather (not identified ) :epic ,need to equipment identification .relationresultPurple dress?relationresultCalm,to calm !relationresultAt this moment,Xiao Hua has a tear ran impulse .
Within two months ,he fought and killed up to level 38 ,to mix a purple leggings ,and later still AI micro Europe MM see him poor ,let him take a random world mission ring ,to get the gold dagger .
relationresultCappella MM,AI micro Europe MM ,two beautiful large MM ,you are good man ,good man !Your small buttocks will be warped ,breast enhancement more quite ,more sultry grace !Please let the ugly variation slime big cruel !relationresultXiao Huaprayer ,press the identification of slime king Pijia impulse, with tiger attack ovine posture toward the variability of slime rushed !Is the monster ,especially the stolen so good stuff elementary BOSS ,death is difficult to drop the best equipment ,but today he is so good luck ,is easy to drop a piece of purple dress ?relationresultI think so,Xiao Hua had produced boundless strength !relationresultIntraoperative identification,stealth ,normal attack .
.. ... Xiao Hua was hard put skill attacks ,feet side quickly escape variant slime skills .With the variation of slime confrontation a few times ,Xiao Hua has been out of the variability of slime skills determine range ,at the moment he, feet delicate walking in sunshine ,and the shadows of light ,such as between the living spirit ,if any man see, will surely be startled at his back ,variation of slime will be able to touch it !relationresultIf someoneasked Xiao Hua what is this step ,Xiao Huahui tells him :Ling Bo !relationresultMany years ago,before the age of seven or eight Xiao Hua Zhou Xingxing starred in the movie Kung Fu ,then imagine one day, a big dirt unkempt beggar holding a hand and Cheats for his lollipop .
relationresultThen one day,his dream was finally to a reality ,a beggar with a book named Ling Bo old little book appeared in front of him ,but the beggar is very ambitious, he is not Xiao Hua lollipop ,but took Xiao Hua pocket in the ten money ,the money was he wants to make soy sauce .
relationresultWithout money,soy sauce did not hit, after Xiao Hua went back home ,ass is to punish ,for two days .relationresultThenXiao Hua looked booklet practice step ,practicing until
high school ,having first and fight, with brisk pace, he brought the than he even strong two seniors played find north ,at this point he started high school bully, until later in the Related articles:

