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Have never got to beat, even all more maliciously once got than this, can all of that are the military instructors an of, the other people's fist really once got as well, could beat their persons all be livinged by two of him to tore in the after the event, at present brothers a pair drive Zhang Zhe beat, but don't know how do just good, tore?The brothers a pair comes to protect a somebody else.Don't tore?The elder brother is beaten, how can the younger brother not help?
Just on the time in old er dilemma, Zhang Zhe Yi big feet Ya the direct Chuai arrive him at present, similar strength, fly a similar radian, have mercy on old er several also with head turn over eldest brother nearby.
Zhang Zhe Leng hums a , dark way:"Have to be polite in front of me, just lift for you to come to this time, Lao Tze directly died you next time!"
Zhang Zhe cheerless appearance, unexpectedly let two brotherses think of military instructor, immediately had no a temper, this called the guy personality of young master similar to the military instructor, no wonder that the military instructor makes us listen to everything his, originally is also two brotherses!The Ji Ji Zha Zha suddenly realize, that small temper early runs without a trace, the other people can ignore not to ask, the brothers of military instructor is getting more different, two brotherses blended their own viewpoints and thought brothers a pair a heart and interrupted bone to connect Jin, Zhang Zhe beats them to is tantamount to the military instructor is beating them, in the mind natural balance.
Zhang Zhe sees two brothers attitudes quite good, the facial expression also mollified some, sink a track:"If the identity that wants to notice I in front of me, should not say, had better suppress dead in the belly!"
If Zhang Zhe in fact really likes that two brotherses play a treasure, but he has to control, now that thinks hereafter use them, must make them listenning to own, let them fear their they, Zhang Zhe doesn't think that oneself has what tortoise of spirit, in addition to before picked up to admire Can so a cheap son, also really have no quilt oneself's a few words a suddenly and leisurely kowtow for the Na head.
Thought of previous two brotherseses say that oneself only swallows the delicious, Zhang Zhe immediately falls vision on cloth thunder and sees leave oneself not far, the dead dog is similar and lies prone of cloth thunder, Zhang Zhe was like a pail of gasoline to meet Mars, quick temper 歘歘 two times young tiger come up, left from afar a long leg to stretch in the past, the evil feet Ya son was malicious to trample on the life-giver of cloth thunder.
Cloth thunder surprisingly Zhang Zhe will suddenly seek oneself to bother and have no reaction to connect solid Zhang Zhe's this feet, lucky of BE, Zhang Zhe this feet very heavy, a xing makes him painful to faint, otherwise fall in pieces for the egg of pain and sufferings also really isn't what his cloth thunder can bear.
See cloth thunder happy of shut a double eye, Zhang Zhe unexpectedly Leng for a while, return is really a damned and hateful guy!
Orderany two brotherses to carry on the shoulder cloth thunder, Zhang Zhe sneered at to take them to leave here, the in the mind was silent for Ya Jia Er's orison, hoped that he after a while will not be grasped by he!

Text 167 chapter virtuous solid room!
Renew time:2010-5-232:44:43 chapter word numbers:8521

Lead at Luo of man under, several people again walk into passage, however this time, their targets are that time that the east wharf, distance and sea Rui pull engagement is it's yet early, although Zhang Zhe really wantses the making use of makes for Ya Jia Er this time some troublesome, the cards in the hand on the helpless hand is few,www.headphones-fashion.com, or say an all have no.
Ya Jia Er conducts here for several years so, isn't their these 35 people naturally can wildly is of, Zhang Zhe really knows his/her own real strenght, he still really has no the arrogance to one person's one gun can be single to pick several thousand pirates of island of ability, don't say him have no, even if he really has and can't so do, either.
The reason is easy, the sea Rui pulled to ever once chat some old grudge concerning Ya Jia Er and NATO allieses with him, the meaning of the words inside words outside very explicit, they are two sooner or later will have a war, finally as a result how, see who prepared well in this period, certainly, the sea Rui pulls to start to speak about this matter very self-confident, obviously had hundred percent confidence.
Zhang Zhe don't care they are two victory or defeats, what he like is the situation of the dog yao dog, whether how these two victory or defeats are or not, Chinese people's organizing can get a very great benefits, even if the Chinese people organized don't relate to with they, he also hopes finally what to claim leadership is Chinese people, probably have to pull similar viewpoint with sea Rui in Zhang Zhe's in the mind, our Chinese people is the most noble in the world!
Follow man Luo shuttle all the way, they finally arrived to fix a place, regret of BE, sea Rui's pulling don't appear, here also quiet of surprising, seemed previous have nothing at all to once take place.
Looking at patrol party to add interleave, Zhang Zhe's in the mind unclearly some misgivings, will can't pull in the sea Rui don't get in touch with under charge drive Ya Jia Er to grasp?Or what other reason, or is a sea Rui to pull oneself have been already escaped?Want, Zhang Zhe again some self-ridicules, the sea Rui pulls even if is again silly, also impossibly and personally escape tuo, that has no advantage to her.
Ask for help of covering of miscellaneous grass, Zhang Zhe gets man Luo silently closed to 2 to hide lazy pirate, under this circumstance, guess far and rather and directly inquire come of appropriate.
These 2 people obviously didn't discover the action in the grass cluster, the Diao wore cigarette not to know at chat what interesting affair, a burst of keeps smiling.Leave of Be getting nearer, Zhang Zhe stops a step under signaling hint of Luo in the man, is listenned attentively by Luo of man.
In the interval man Luo's facial expression has been being changing, till the last unexpectedly unbearable all over shiver, the facial expression more and metal graily frightens a person, Zhang Zhe early waits of Be getting more impatient, see man Luo such performance, anxiously ask naturally:"How?Exactly took place what affair?"
The man is Luo's a deep breathing, then slowly way:"Know from their, the sea Rui pulls of movements already the bao dew be grasped into in the city by Ya Jia Er now and listen to these two tones of guys, Ya Jia Er seems is malicious to teach sea of the Rui pull, this doesn't lack the pressure of the sand Luo's general among them, from here can Jian, the sea Rui pulls now is be fraught with grim possibilities!"
Zhang Zhe mental state a tight, he cares the safety that the sea Rui pulls very much, and his own safety also fastens in the sea Rui to pull a body up, if the sea Rui pulled a true what circumstance, so he can't leave here as well naturally, he probably can at the point of the bayonet win a war ship, can after?Who come to drive?How to stay away pursuing troops again?
Some affairs make people have a headache, don't know as well recently is how, everything all so not and satisfactorily, being also a momentses can not eliminate to stop, this makes Zhang Zhe give birth to from the heart bottom one silk tired Tai.
Man Luo sees Zhang Zhe's facial expression completely in the eye, the mental state follows get excited naturally, have no he, only because Zhang Zhe is that he lives next go to the only hope.This words are a bit disgusting, but fact is such.
Zhang Zhe didn't°yet to the degree of self-degradation extent, contrary, he soon put a positive mindset, isn't oneself is just preparing to deal with Ya Jia Er?At the right moment lend° this opportunity his manufacturing to order to bother thus.
Since have already done decision, Zhang Zhe wants to know that sea Rui's pulling is grasped to go naturally where, this problem certainly needs to ask those two pirates of chat, also deserving it these two guys is unlucky, their being not early lazy late doesn't loaf on job, it happened that etc. Zhang Zhe come of time they lazy, this isn't to seek dead, still what?
For these low level guys, in addition to spraying fiery weapon in hand, they still really don't take make moves of thing, beyond all doubt of, drive Zhang Zhe asked he inquisitive thing, and sending of gentleness they left this dirty world.
Know from the pirate, the sea Rui pulls is be taken by the private armed escort of Ya Jia Er, at present even if the simpleton is also understand, take place before Ya Jia Er have already to the utmost known of affair.
Thought of oneself killed Ya Jia Er so many people, and then caught his son, ascend his daughter, afraiding of this old boy has already hated deeply oneself?!
Zhang Zhe's wry smile is a , hence don't entwine on this problem as well, lets man Luo lead the way, toward Ya Jia Er of inside the city rush through to go, this time, use of time many, wait man Luo estimate mo to arrive at the time inside the city scope, the sky has been completely black down.
Process Zhang Zhe in the daytime so on making, inside guarding against of city obviously tight, almost became three one Shao of treadings, five tread one Gang, it is thus clear that Ya Jia Er also understands Zhang Zhe's this several people's dangerous degree, can he how can't thought of, oneself guards against thus Related articles:

