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Letter,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, top of news' seeming to be not is very good, Liu Ding's hand stretched more and more to grow, he August arrived sea in the town for the secret, will make there one regiment is careless, obtained a great deal of benefits from it, but disappeared to exterminate Huai west soldier.See, he is also unreliable."
The air of Xiao Gou is constant, slowly say:", What did your three uncles all say?"
The Xiao reflects careful of say:"Three uncles mentioned a few problems in the letter.One is concerning Qin Yan who declares Xi stanza that the degree makes, his real strenght is inflating quickly for this period of time, the troops has already nearly increased 50,000 people, and still has already continued dilatant evidence, don't know for taking precautions against Liu Ding, he still keeps preparing to interfere with the Huai south stanza degree affair for making.There is news that say, Huai south finish the teacher Duo and Qin Yan secretly have connection, finish teacher Duo commitment, if Qin Yan helps he solves to use it, he will use Huai south the stanza degree make to exchange Xuan Xi Jie's degree to make.Qin Yan purchased large numbers of weapons of quantity there from Chen Jia of saddle mountain and made surrounding region and his military force contrast more hang extremely, result Wang Zhong in Nan-ping spread to also sit not to live and equally had the tendency to expand an armament war."
The Xiao Gou slowly dauts own beard book, river water looking at Chan Chan but bottom, disagree of say:"Is not all good person, let their dog bite a dog go to, had better perish together, province we worry.Finish teacher Duo and Qin Yan all before is the person of Huang Chao's traitor, is used it how can don't guard against?High Pian only afraid I ……calculate, Gao Pian had already been completely used it by to hoodwink now, not to be killed of that day of, can't wide awake."
The Xiao reflects to continue to say:"Moreover an affair, is that the concerning mighty and valiant soldier stanza degree make Liu Ding, he is clamoring to take the offensive smooth state now, make the treasure in week open hostilities with stanza degree, one to hear that his water soldier contains action and treads a soldier but doesn't know some in the favour what.There being still a news says that his water soldier has been visited into hair upward, toward the E Yue stanza degree make road review medium send to warn, he doesn't want to cut off waterway in Yangtze River, and mutually threaten by war.Three uncles don't know as well he actually sells in bottle gourd what medicine, so especially the idea letter consult father your opinion.H'm, these are three uncles' letters."
Silently once connect have been already opened of letter, the Xiao Gou didn't immediately watch.He just silently becomes overdo and looking at small river waters of in front.Ever since that time resignation, he lives pottery Yuan in this piece of place that keeps off a capital city similar day book clearly, just mood but anyway can not be like pottery Yuan, either clearly so of quiet, so of didn't contend for with a life time.Is the Zu of in the past in the Xiao house to reside here, mountain clear water show, the scenery is beautiful, like spring all the year round.Really look after natural span of life ground good place.But, did oneself start having no the old age of conduct and actions like this?Big empire Tang, really have no to save a ground of opportunity at 1:00?
"Li Ke uses ground circumstance how with Wang Zhong Rong?"The Xiao Gou lightly says.
"They 2!Pei!That Mei is absolutely excessively.Send a person to arrive every day city to Chang-an kill people to set fire.It is the person whom Li Ke uses to still pretend to be!I really have never seen a so mean person!"Bring up this affair, the Xiao reflects completely angry, say in anger:"Zhu Mei absolutely is take whole all people in the worldses for idiocies!The whole world's all knowing is him parties person at Chang-an the city homicide set fire, it happened that still say toward the imperial government to is the person whom Li Ke uses!There is since a courage doing out.Not afraid acknowledgement!"
The Xiao Gou facial expression Ping-ho speaks slowly a way:"Although everyone knows to is what Zhu Mei does,the imperial government ground Chi makes is what respond?"
The Xiao reflects tiny tiny one Zhi, helplessly say:"Imperial government bottom the Chi make, warning Li Ke to use don't do such a thing feeling.At the same time.Secretly send to go abroad as ambassador again say with him, in fact the imperial government is to know true facts, just Be forced to reality, have to open to criticize him.Li Ke uses originally and haded took the offensive Chang-an of intention, so the book was played with by the imperial government, the at heart quick temper was more prosperous, he originally wanted first tidy up Zhu Wen, then just participate Chang-an of affair of, the way of doing of result imperial government deeply incensed him.$Bubble$book$$head$deliver$he has already taken battalion to go down south the state was together."
The Xiao Gou bitter and astringently says:"Together state Wei Yi."
The Xiao reflects to carefully say:"Li Ke goes down south with the battalion.The imperial government is nervous atmosphere of war and turmoil, plant all soldier.The many people all silently ran.According to the previous intelligence report, Wang Zhong Rong and Zhu Meis are still placed in confrontation ground status, two soldiers are temporarily still separated several ten insides.Both parties' strength is all very strong, so temporarily still have no the evidence of armed clash.Zhu Mei still controls together state, Wang Zhong Rong controls Pu state.But, use to lead 30,000 Turkics to ride a soldier along with Li Ke, in advance arrived to Pu state front, the circumstance may take place to change right away.However, I also received some hearsays and said to is Wang Zhong Rong and Zhu Mei's secret to reach well water not to make the agreement of river water and said to is mutual non-aggression and sought a benefits together, but I don't have accuracy that way checks solid these informationses."
Tiny, the Xiao reflects to continue to say:"Li Ke publicly condemns a farmland to make after using to arrive Pu state front Zi, the emperor his majesty hands in him to sentence to death.However, the farmland corrected the Zi to gather Li Chang Fu, Zhu Mei et al and lined up soldiers yellow river side up, use to fight force with force with Li Ke.Zhu Mei before and ever clapped a chest to mean, he will the shot Kui aggression used in Li Ke, Chang-an the city is solid if strongly fortified city."
Xiao Gou tiny sneer:"Is solid if strongly fortified city?"
The Xiao reflects to disdain to of say:"Zhu Mei really says so."
The Xiao Gou knits the brows to say:"Zhu Mei and Li Chang Fu little more than wolf book greed, must defend.They make with farmland the relation of Zi, is an establishment at the pure benefits on of, once in the center appearing what variety, Chang-an the city will disorder unbearable.I don't know that the farmland prepares how to handle current complicated situation the Zi, but arrival used in Li Ke, enough he is subjected to.Whole loyalty just just the star anise town was vanquished by Qin Zong Quan, on the troops had great damage very, Li Ke uses to take the offensive Chang-an this time, whole loyalty sees come is can not increase to aid."
The Xiao reflects to sink a voice to say:"The father worries of have a reason.Now Chang-an the city is really very in fear, the Turkic person can pass through yellow river to launch aggression at any time.The farmland makes Zi of 50,000 absolute being plan soldier, can see can not use, it is said that hear that the Turkic person wants, a ran away 67100 people in the evening, troops like this, where have fighting strength,Beats By Dre Free shipping day?Zhu Mei and Li Chang Fus' troops, look vehemence roaring, in fact but is leather to coax.Say honest words, the child will never be optimistic about this war, Li Ke uses if really came, the emperor his majesty affirmed and was fleeing from home.Li Chang Fu and Zhu Meis all inwardly incite emperor his majesty to move Feng to soar to go, the emperor his majesty also wants to leave this dangerous to be Chang-an by himself/herself, just because the farmland makes the resolute objection of Zi, just don't leave.The farmland makes Zi suggestion emperor his majesty move to benefit state, be like five year agos so, he says, the benefit state wants to soar than the Feng to be safe many."
The Xiao Gou says chillily:"The west Chuan stanza degree makes Chen Jing Xuan is a farmland to make the niece book of Zi, he certainly hopes that the his majesty continues to control in his hand.Such mean person, what then old sky of don't accept, really make a popular anger!To, the farmland makes this person scheming of Zi numerous and have to adopt what strategy to deal with Li Ke to use?"
The Xiao reflects to say:"Certainly have!The farmland privately allows a promise the Zi, as long as cans vanquish Li Ke to use,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, has a great achievement all ofs to win the champion!Isn't a Si king, is a prince!"
Immediately the Xiao Gou Nu scolds:"Bastard!Big empire Tang is waited mean person to frivol something to drop by this!Prince can child's play?"
The Xiao reflects to seem to feel the fatherly reaction has a little vehemence, disagree of say:"Father, I feel you having no necessity animation.Which afraid is an imperial government don't seal, those people will also seal by himself[herself] of, did Qin Zong Quan still do emperor?Isn't the imperial government similar to find no way out with him?Qin Zong Quan only a day immortalization.It is those adventurer's models.Seal a very small prince, perhaps all of them don't satisfy."
The Xiao Gou is self-effacing to say:"Just, just, the affair of capital city and don't take care of him.Let him go!Cui Jie and Wang Cheng Yan the feedback come over there how is a ground of circumstance?"
The Xiao reflects to helplessly say:"2 people respond that Liu Ding deeply can not measure, very few meet with them, however the full stomach greed is beyond doubt.He takes comfortable state first, then washes Lue Related articles:

