
Monster Beats do sort rushes towar

, Which still have the least bit the image of pirate headman?
Zhang Zhe's image is really pretty distress, with as for the other people don't put him in the mind, connect Liao spring China have never put as well he is in the mind, but say to the bureau chief:"I think this to definitely have a misunderstanding among them, cocoa in our house is a good kid, extremely is not likely to taint with a drug, this I can confirm."
Is completely to turn over cold stare in a side, do you confirm?You confirm fart!All arrive by this time, do you think that your man still hardly gets up?
In just shook, serious way:"Liao's director, what our police stress is evidence, if the evidence isn't enough, we is absolutely can't wrong a good person, please though Liao's director trust."
Liao spring China has nothing to say, obvious someone frames up cocoa, so can affirm is up had new action, the vision asking for help sees toward the good friend square Ping Ping, don't know as well square Ping Ping is be not with Han Yu Zhi's company measure good, don't be overdo for almost same times, obviously don't intend Chan and come in.Seem this time only master son then the horse can put even, ah, after this affair, the oneself man presumably wants to be stood by side in the household, master son three sons are all very outstanding, haven't selected to get soldier's thing up to now.
The most hopeful is the father of cocoa, but D at first also hoped to contend for ascend on contending for, see to is nothing important opportunity at present, even put this small matters gravamen, who believe that you can lead household creation brilliancy?
The time that is sighing, but see previous that lifts top of trousers, the very distress little man is smiling the lookinging at of mi Mi himself/herself, also don't stop to blink eyes for oneself, should want to say words, but Liao spring China how can realize such a stranger, the calm and steady face didn't take a reason.Probably in her in the mind, is that he harmed a niece.
The fact is also such, however Zhang Zhe which can easily give up, moved to move body, malicious choked 1 in the cocoa pi top, pour isn't that he thinks zhan cheapness, but don't arrive other parts really enough, the cocoa is immediately strange call a , cut up rough of change direction Zhang Zhe, Zhang Zhe's wry smile, signal hint her curved xia body.Although very disaffection this bastard eats he or she's bean curd, still gather together pass by.
Zhang Zhe says in the cocoa ear:"Call you Shen the mother seek Jian Zheng Wei , he knows my identity, there is my identity, your uncle definitely has way to save us to go out."
The D cocoa is also no matter to is really a leave, hearing can go out, immediately Liao spring China call front of, lie prone on her ear to whisper severals, looking at surrounding person's one face weird, don't know these 3 people to beat what crafty idea, however didn't put in the mind, allow you to leap 跶 , can not anyway also leap 跶 how long.
If Liao spring China finish listenning to a niece, but is to deeply see Zhang Zhe Yi's eye, turned round to say to the bureau chief:"Understand according to me,Monster Beats, Jian Zheng Wei seems to be relatively to know the then circumstance, I want to see him."
Looking at Liao spring China almost begs humbly of vision, in just heart a soft, silently ordered to nod.
Jian Zheng Wei in fact in own office, so Liao spring China 1 line soon found out him and opened the door to set up asking of mountain since Zhang Zhe's identity, Jian Zheng Wei immediately prove that the certificate of identity passes to Liao spring China.
Keep in mind a jittery mood, Liao spring China opened the black skin book that draws meat ball, a see under, eyes are immediately bright to get up, the breath also shows of the rush get up, the chemisette curiosity is very big, square the Ping Ping and Han Yu Zhi quickly also gathered together up, when 2 people after seeing the contents of pure top all pour to take a suck at cool spirit.
Close the certificate that is good enough to turn around a bad situation, Liao spring China positive color way:"Some affairs I need to make collective report to the city Wei city hall, previously, hope to don't act rashly at the bureau chief."
This sentence says of concealed Hui, but also clearly white white.
The threat of red luoluo!In just deeply looking at Liao spring China, but can not see what, after Liao descends this sentence, Liao spring China without telling anyone left, seem to be really to have urgent matter, even none of hello heel together come of two madams beat.
Han Yu Zhi but don't care of heel past, square Ping Ping at Be passed by to just nearby of time, sank a track:"Studying an opinion in the city Wei city hall didn't next reach before, treat this well several'prisoner'!"
Prisoner's this phrase drive square Ping Ping the yao is very heavy, obviously have a deep idea.Just didn't wear brains at the momentary mo?This how all?All have fun to have threat, really take my this bureau chief for decoration?
He throws vision toward Jian Zheng Wei , didn't miss this old elder brother but return to his one good from closed for it of look in the eyes, returning to office, "bang" of a door.
The circumstance has already changed!Just profoundly saw toward the afar at the vision, cold not the D beat one cold Zhan ……
(Next chapter this affair pass by, waste so many pen and inks just in this aspect for highlighting leading role's importance in this time conflict, just can make after the text look not and seem to be so suddenly.)

Text 382 chapters are red!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:22 chapter word numbers:8347

The direction of wind of sea City in China changed, there is always no the D of right to speak mayor, this time incredibly at often the Wei will ascend malicious Lu a face of big secretary, remain neutral of organization department minister piece, incredibly stand this time at mayor this place, the city Wei publicizees minister, all war minister, pair secretary, the government method Wei secretary also entirely chose mayor Ding 's appearance, with the absolute vote, pressed down big secretary of situation.
It is said that talk, the big secretary fully dashed to pieces Liu Zhan's cup in the building after the meeting, also puzzlingly will often work vice- mayoral〃 Liu Ming Hui to call office malicious to criticize, process this time often the Wei will ascend of cross swords, D mayor be regarded as successful in career.
After the meeting, from the government method Wei secretary, pair mayor, organization department vice minister, male check method three people, survey set constitute, opened in to classify a bureau, always at classify the bureau chief whom the bureau lords over is completely, at investigate to constitute to sign of same time drive double rules, branch office bureau chief temporary from government Wei temporary generation.
From mayor and pair mayor, publicizees minister to constitute of leadership actors of one troupe, also arrived at to classify a bureau, however they aren't to run the inquisitional, but come to greet a certain"foreign ambassador".
When a few people Jings truly the Huang truly and perhaps arrive at to detain room to open cage, Zhang Zhe knows, the affair solved.
Finally don't continue to carry top of trousers, Zhang Zhe is long to grow comfortable tone, see three woman is tossed about of not cheng person's form, particularly D cocoa, a pair of eyes are swollenly like a plain wheat roll, not jin heart regrets, bureau chief Zhu bureau chief Zhu, you clean the pi is in the prison stay lifetime.
Detain room, but see top in the hallway stand 78 men who lead shape, why say to lead shape?You see that radiant with health, the belly is swollenly like a pregnant woman similar Be getting more understand.
Haven't made pure what circumstance, listens to D cocoa one exclaim, already the tornado sort rushes toward into the station the most anterior inside man keep in mind in,BlareKeeping crying is unclear in mouth of call an uncle.Obviously, this leading owner half body, the middle age handsome boy of whole body cultured qualities is China mayoral〃 D in sea City Be getting more original.
Unexpectedly he is so young, at the same time, Zhang Zhe's regrets some time's age's D at first also in regrets Zhang Zhe's age, his vision deeply can not measure, it make people catch mo not and deeply.The Zhang Zhe momentary doesn't don't know how to cope with.
Clapped to clap the niece's shoulder, comfort two, the D mayor walks to Zhang Zhe's in front for the big step and stretches out hand to say:"I am China Wei pair secretary in sea City, the mayoral〃 D is original, this is Singapore to make a circuit of an ambassador, place neglect, also hope an ambassador to forgive."
Really enough neglect of, however Zhang Zhe knows that oneself by this time has no reason to find out who was responsible, your a circuit ambassador runs inside in the school bubble girl calculate what?Basically be disgraced to say.
And mayor Ding 's hand hold together, Zhang Zhe says with smile:"Misunderstanding just, mayor Ding need not care."
The D smiled to introduce after death a few leaderships of the idle riches for Zhang Zhe at first, and invitation way:"Our city hall has already arranged in the purple Kingsoft hotel( first guest house) the carouse gives welcome dinner for ambassador, also inviting an ambassador must come."
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