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Let people believe.Chen Wan Rong's eye pupil almost dropped out and pointed at a Yan interest.Temporarily could not say words.Take charge of Ma Cheng Zhen don't already is also surprise, the cup lets go of and stares at a Yan interest to keep lo in the unnatural handle knob.
The Yan interest point nods and at last answers their questions.Is a very painful way:"New moon parties not the desire Yan Wei Biao the bureau watch the house to protect a hospital for shopkeeper Chen and dream!The Yan Wei Biao bureau and new moon send absolutely irreconcilable!This enemy doesn't report, the Yan Wei Biao bureau is in the whole world signed to!"
Chen Wan Rong hears very clearly his space space make to loudly grind teeth a voice, not from get a burst of heart palpitates.The person is once starting is malicious,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, let people deliver Chu, sigh 1:"Is ten thousand to die because of me, I have Kui at the heart.Excuse me, Yan total Biao head, when do 10000 hold funeral procession?I want to send ten thousand one distances."
"Thank shopkeeper Chen!This matter wants to wait each Biao a head to rush through back to negotiate again decide.The sufficient meaning of shopkeeper Chen, the Yan interest definitely ask shopkeeper Chen to come here by that time."The Yan interest embraces a boxing to mutually thank.Once the topic turn, the morrow asks a way:"Shopkeeper Chen, this business that watches the house to protect a hospital ……"
The Chen glory late puts to interrupt his words head:"Yan total Biao head, I think matter already to this, the Yan Wei Biao bureau still don't participate in well."
Yan interest once the facial expression change, fierce drink a way:"Chen Wan Rong, did you take our Yan Wei Biao bureau as to shrink a tortoise?The new moon parties doesn't want we protect of, we bent on having protect!"
The tone canned not doubt!The Chen glory late sighs 1, think think this just way:"Since it is so, that had the Lao Yan total Biao head.Just, this money I must pay."
The Yan interest shakes a hand, the tone slows down as far as possible:"Shopkeeper Chen, you don't want to misunderstand, we are to have claim ground.Money, we can't want.We are to want to lend shopkeeper Chen to revenge, also please help!"The list knee kneels ground and keep a gift the most respectful.
Chen Wan Rong's favour hands:"Yan total Biao head, if don't dislike a my hand to have no very small strength, we life and death with total, fight to the end with new moon parties!"
"Good!"The Yan interest right hand grasps Chen Wan Rong's right hand and loudly shouts bravo.
Chen Wan Rong is an applause very much at his outspoken strength:"That thanked a total Biao head of Yan!If need my effect, I definitely make an effort!"
"The way is long, shopkeeper Chen, I still occupy and took leave first."The Yan interest embraces a boxing to make do not.Chen Wan Rong has been sending out a door, this just turns round.Zheng Qing smiles to sing of come up to, the happy expression of one face:"This descends like, this descends like, need not again afraid!" She worries most of is Chen Wan Rong's peace or chaos, this matter in the Yan Wei Lan in the Biao bureau.The nature is a 1-day-old happy event.
Take charge of Ma Cheng Zhen Le to wear a beard to say with smile:"The Yan Wei ground real strenght in Biao bureau allows of no small Qu, this yard is naturally completely.However, Yan Wei not kind Gao Lai Gao to person from ground in Biao bureau goes, is a short.Several Is pupil that doesn't become useful at the right moment can repair it short, it may be said benefit by association together."
This still have to thank a new moon parties of arrogant, they want to intimidate the Yan Wei Biao bureau, have never thought get just the opposite and arose the heart of the hatred of the Yan Wei Biao bureau.The Chen glory late salutes mutually:"The many thanks way is long!"
"Late glory elder brother, since departure good!"A familiar voice rings out.
Chen Wan Rong Mo turns head.Sees Chen Que whole body slack suit and greatly tread to come in, joy, far far blunt Chen Wan Rong an embrace a boxing.Way of roaring with laughter:"The glory elder brother's complexion late lately gets mansion very good and congratulates!"
"Ha ha, adult!"Chen Wan Rong has much of good will to Chen Que, not only only lie in Chen Que is a seldom good officer, also lie in Chen Wan Rong for him very good, if not that he speaks of Chen toward the prince glory to late meet to bother one matter.Chen Wan Rong where will have mansion, can't even have the officer the body.
Pull Chen Que, Chen Wan Rong is or so on conjecturing, at Chen Que the shoulders tap, warm and affectionate get tight:"Adult, you print a hall to become bright, the chances of promotion is quite good, and the congratulations congratulates!"
Chen Que's mood is late quite good, point at Chen glory to open to have fun:"Good you night glory elder brother.You very did the time academic association read faces?I tell you, I don't believe those raves."
"I this is mutually the hemp mourning garment absolute being!"The Chen glory is late used a fun words answer and pulled Chen Que to enter a house, point at to take charge of Ma Cheng Zhen to introduce for him:"Adult, this is to take charge of Ma Dao long.Taking charge of Ma Dao is long, this is adult."
2 people salute to meet.Respectively fall.Zheng Qing has much of good will to Chen Que and carries tea and drinks to come in in person, the Ying Ying is one blessing, once saw a gift, passed one cup tea and drinks to Chen Que.Chen Que thanks 1, once connects a Xia one mouthful and played trick a way:"Late glory elder brother, you can understand Chen Mou the article is from the tea very flavor?"
Lo he that smile don't smile of shape, by all means joke.The Chen glory late shakes head a way:"I which know adult's flower to spend bowel son."
"Pleased spirit!"Chen Que intentionally sets up for an in all seriousness way:"Late glory elder brother.Don't forget to eat for the cup wedding feast of Chen Mou Yi."
Zheng Qing is abashed Qiao face the Fei is red, and then is happy.The Wei nearby doesn't talk at Chen Wan Rong.The Chen glory late says with smile:"Definitely, certain!You ground the wedding present can get to prepare to weigh 1:00, don't three Chinese foot clothes, the thin gift of two catties of meat, also want the heavy gift of thousand sons 802 silvers at least."
This fun words not only stir Chen Que and Zheng Qing happy, is a department Ma Cheng Zhen also is smile can not suppress, connect the voice say:"The small friend can really say interesting saying!"
Is public Be drinking tea and saying some jokes, the atmosphere is particularly harmonious, make reference to happy place, put a cachinnation.Lead a burst of, Chen Wan Rong this just ask a way:"Adult, you ground is the matter how to conclude ground?"Since Chen Que's time Chang-an needed offense, Chen Wan Rong didn't get his news any further, is a pass very much
Chen Que listens to a Chen Wan Rong's ground concern, in the mind warmth, say with smile:"The Xie Wan Rong elder brother concerns about!With the astute prince, my Chen Que is to want to eat lawsuit to can not also eat."
To Li Long the base is smart, Chen the glory late have to accept, want that necessarily being Li Long Ji to interfere to just return him is innocent, says with smile:"Congratulate adult!Dare to ask adult, will be an officer?"
Chen Que Lian's one Su, the smiling face suddenly loses:"Late glory elder brother, Chen Mou isn't officer's body now, but want to do an important event."
This words a little bit make people be getting more curious, Chen Wan Rong's favour asks a way:"Excuse me, is adult He Shi?"
"This matter relates to you."Chen Que talks to come rather many mysterious.
Chen Wan Rong a while Meng, the eyebrows is together wrinkly:"Relate to me, is that the matter body very?"Zheng Qing and department Ma Cheng Zhen is also curious, tightly stare at Chen Que.
"Late glory elder brother, you last night ascend but meet guest who comes uninvited to visit?"Chen Que depresses voice to mutually ask.
The mind of Chen Wan Rong turns especially quickly, sound out to ask a way:"Adult but want to deal with a new moon parties?"
What Chen Que endorsed nods:"BE exactly!The prince knows this after the event, Chen Mou is responsible for this matter and just come to night glory with Chen Mou the elder brother is here, with your company measure for a while."
Unexpectedly prince to this matter so last heart, also send Chen Que to handle, Chen Wan Rong is delight with unexpected good news.Chen Que's practical ability, Chen Wan Rong clearly get tight, have him to stay in, new moon parties again badly also incapable is dint:"Thank a prince!Have the Lao adult."
Zheng Qing is in Chen Wan Rong's shoulders tap for a while, the meaning is to say "this descends like, need not worried again".The Chen glory late understands her meaning and claps on her jade hand, the idea shows consolation.
"Chen Mou receives order behaviour, don't dare to talk to thank a word."Chen Que puts a hand.
Chen Wan Rong has a little curious.Ask a way:"Adult, this matter how do you intend to commence?"
Chen Que shakes head a way:"Is concrete, Chen Mou hasn't thought it's good.However, it is affirmative to have 1:00 ground, late glory elder brother, this fish bait you are to be settle."
Incredibly take me to do bait, Chen Wan Rong of happy that the feeling had no a while and asked a way:"This matter is getting more dangerous, must want other ways."Not ability strange Chen Wan Rong timidity.Really is that the new moon parties influence is a lot too big, Gao Lai Gao go to ground the good hand is many, one isn't good, Chen the glory late will suffer a los.
Chen Que consolation way:"Late glory elder brother not sorrow.Chen Mou from be to protect you are completely.The prince has already said that the hand allows Chen Mou's dispensation.Chen Mou's first step thinks that having Yang Si Xu adult your brother still adjusts and sends 20 prince's bodyguards again and be good enough to protect you are getting more peaceful."
Chen again the skill in martial arts of glory didn't say, Chen Wan Rong is the clear.Yang Si Xu's skill in martial arts is also extraordinary, plus 20 prince's bodyguards again. Related articles:

