
google darkness I hope a

Accelerate.Dian Wei, the Three Kingdoms ranks the third, the Cao holds of personal great commander, very fierce person, unfortunately die very early.I unexpectedly beat 1 with him.Admire, control breath quite good, just left to rank secondary elder brother Zhao Yun, and then ran into the Dian Wei that ranked the third.I the Hey Hey Be getting more silly smile.The Dian Wei looking at me silly smile, he is puzzling:"What do you smile?"
I hope him:"Hey, the name of I've long been looking forward to meeting you eldest brother, today but can see eldest brother me, I am very excited."The Dian Wei smiled:"You are this small guy, you how can anyone know my name?"I the Hey Hey keep smiling:"Chen Liu's righteous person knows for friend busy streets killing people, who not!The younger brother admires you many."The Dian Wei roars with laughter:"Several years of matter, still someone remembers."I looking at the person of big kid's sort who has no scheming and suddenly get a brainwave:"Dian eldest brother, the younger brother really admires you hey, I want to become sworn for the opposite sex brothers with you, don't know, you wish would not like to?"The Dian Wei looking at me to smile:"You this small guy also pretty recruit a person to like of, there is also whole body skill.Like, I recognized your this younger brother!"
, I am very excited.Spring up:"Forbid to renege.The promise, our right here, towards a God to take an oath, how!"The cachinnation of Dian Wei:"I talk to calculate words, take an oath with you."I put two tree branches right away, gathered one soil of holding and pulled Dian Wei to kneel down:"I, Zhao Yu, take an oath to the sky, I would like to become sworn with eldest brother Dian Wei for the opposite sex brothers, don't beg to be born in same year and month, but beg to die with month at the same year, there is blessing together enjoying, is difficult to together be, if disobey this Shi, the sky thunders five thunders to bomb."The Dian Wei kneels in a side to see keep smiling.I looking at him:"Elder brother, I finish saying, should you."The Dian Wei roars with laughter, also learns my appearance and said a part.
I was asleep very excited, could not fallen, looking at asleep of Dian Wei, I think, simply, I take he goes to the North Sea together of, anyway he hasn't held with Cao.If he heel the Cao hold, having no several years will die, since he is already me elder brother, I can not make him die again.To, do so.Hey, the road of three knot righteousnesses in my Three Kingdoms Taoyuan started from him.Take Dian Wei, seek a few knots again elder brother Yi.H'm, the North Sea, there is in the North Sea too history Ci, also fierce.Ha ha, I seek him.
Is bright the time on that day, I several days of ailment already on sweeping but getting empty, there is target of I the natural mood is very good.Awakenned Dian Wei, I said:"Elder brother, I hear that you are in the army camp, with those little soldiers relate to not okay, but true?"The Dian Wei sighs:"BE ah!My appetite is big, the temper keeps again and sees not to get theirs.They also can not get use to me.So, I usually come out a dozen to hunt what.In case feel vexed."Oh, is so:"What does that elder brother still return to stem?That what piece Miao again need not you do general and follow him to have no interesting."
The Dian Wei looking at me:"But, I can ascend where go to?"I a smile:"So, the younger brother is going to the North Sea seek an elder brother, you follow me to walk, not very good.After, perhaps can make the elder brother be general."The Dian Wei smiles:"When the not appropriate general pours a nothing important, isn't lively happy in the army camp.Now that you say so, you were again my younger brother, walk together.Anyway I also doesn't matter of."Hey, his pouring is really a dessert machine to also have no.See he promise, I also Don't mention it, Be carnivorous to put away the tiger with him, I pick up good bone again and sought to return to a village all the way.
Good, the persons in the village are all urgently bad, the Fan can find back yesterday, on saying to throw me, the old Niang almost ate him, the village inside also started mobilizing, if I again late return to a hour, the whole villageses were starting out to seek me.Now, see I come back, everyone loosens tone.Return to a home, arrange good the whole, I said my plan to the aunt and the mother-in-law.Start, two people naturally the different idea , afterwards, listen to I say to is to seek my elder brother, nod, orderanying Fan again can follow me, they is afraid I have an accident, I also have no way, and having to take Fan can set out.From now on, the Fan ability has been following me, and built plum flower country villa for me, handled my funeral affairs, this is empress words,google.

Brothers article-chapter 8 Guo Jia's disease

Brothers article-chapter 8 Guo Jia's disease
Waved hand on departure simple villagers, I pulled Dian Wei and take Fan wood, the Chuai wears mother-in-law and aunt to expel come of match the food of wild vegetable, set out.Because the Dian Wei can not return to Chen Liu again, we are simply the line crossing river from the north to go to east Lai.Lead in the Dian Wei under, this day, we 3 entered medium Mou city.Is current of medium the Mou is in my memory is a Cao to hold still the site of Yuan Shao, I also can not distinguish Chu.Come here, because we had no money, I wanted Dian Wei to sell jade to wear.BE ah, the belly of the Dian Wei can really isn't general big.I all the way see a doctor for several individuals money getting be all eaten, admire, also naturally want to drink.By this time of wine can really drink, not hot at 1:00, I like to drink ah, certainly need to spend money.Just the Dian Wei is different from Zhao Yun so of, in his heart, the things of the brothers are all similar.
Again set out, I am very contented.The Dian Wei is very fierce, he sells of the jade wear, compare Fan the wood sell of want to be many small, can get of money but many of many.Think that owner to meticulously hold the appearance of a heap of money and gold bar, I want to smile.Ha ha, this Dian Wei, put in the modern that I live, should be a standard underworld hatchet man, that I, not became underworld Lao Be getting bigger?Ha ha, have fun so much.I but don't thought of, after two days, I just profoundly realize the taste of being the underworld eldest brother is not pleasurable either.
Although Be getting richer, don't represent rich forever, so, the job that I still need to continue to implement to earn money-be doctor.When this ask me to enter a house, I have never felt to have what unwell place.This disease is also good-looking, the host's a keep woman to born some Xuan.See a doctor, the color of the sky also was getting more late, received very affably at the host under, we lived down.Just, I really have never noticed host to see my taste a bit overdo.
When I am canned call by the Fan at the midnight, I haven't come to.The open space that looking at utter darkness, I hope a Fan ability:"Seeming the sky didn't°yet be bright also?"The Fan could not talk and just pulled me to arrive a big hall.On going in, I received and looking at the Dian Wei that just slowly camed over from the great anger status, at fully Leng after three minutes, I started turning over a sky to reply vomiting of ground.Waiting me to finally have no thing can from the stomach in after vomiting, my wretchedness Ba Ba Di hope Dian Wei:"Why so terrible?"Originally, what to get into my eyelid is a ground of blood and lousy meat sort ground corpse.Have never seen this kind of bloody condition of I, how don't vomit?
Enter a house from I, till now, the Dian Wei hasn't been talking and hear my ask words, he just says:"I hereafter don't kill people in front of you any further.This thing, you can not stand, is really a small guy."I stare nerveless eyes and still ask:"How can put across this appearance?"The Fan can beside hand me:"They damn!This sex maniac unexpectedly touched the childe's abode and wanted to humiliate a childe, was luckily seen by me.The Dian big Ye wants to teach him, he unexpectedly thinks it's homicidal.So, the big Ye killed his whole family."I the ground of Leng Leng looking at him:"Whole family?Sky, ten how many sons did the person kill also and all?"I started vomiting again.
Leave here, my mood isn't good at all.Think just by that time, if the big uncle who sells jade to wear warns me, the big uncle who sells jade to wear thinks Zhao Yun says I have no because this face suffers mental agony;Miss male Sun Xu;Sky, today, true someone for I this face suffered mental agony.For the sake of me, unexpectedly died so many people, there is among them also innocence of!The person in this ages why, on every occasion kill people a whole family?Looking at Dian Wei and Fan ability that kind of naturally of facial expression, my true woe.Not, I can't do like this of, I not important person because of I but dead, don't !!!
At later three days in, I basically see the meat wanting to vomit and making the Dian Wei repeatedly sigh.I walked on the road, also was basically a half to hide noodles.Mentally of the shadow is too heavy.This circumstance had been maintaining till I met in the Three Kingdoms of the biggest strive for a private ――― Guo Related articles:

