
Beats Detox way to sway headTh

.I will make an effort to advise to solve emperor duty, don't be those injury oneselfs again and hurt the other people's affair again.This big fellow imperial government can protect how long, protect how long!"
The Xun 彧 is foolish a long time, suddenly start my in front, deeply one Yi:"Text if thank you."I hide to all hide to cannot compare with:"You don't want so.Son cloud not is for the sake of you, also want for the sake of lord Mr. like this to do.Pass this affair, I am to see understand, this emperor is really an idiot,Beats Detox, and the typical model is that one is good to harm Ba to forget a painful person.He after Dong Zhuo, Chang-an of disorderly, incredibly don't know to absorb novella at all.He doesn't want as well, in case of true lord Mr. killed, how should he do?Admire, with in Dong Cheng's this hand have no the soldier's car ride general, an in the soldier one roll call spirit all have no of be partial to general the prince take and then can control to allow all of situation?None of becomes the second Chang-an just strange!Or do they fix to go to go and live with Yuan Shao?Really there is this viewpoint, that emperor was oneself to seek to die."
The wry smile of Xun 彧 nods:"Is alas, the emperor is still small, he isn't son cloud you thus of handsome there is also no your wisdom and ability just.I see, he is instigated by these people of Dong Cheng.Thus, I come to arrange, you see emperor and advise him more.I believe that can persuade his with your ability."The Hey , at the right moment, wonders in my heart:This is what you suggest on your own initiative, hereafter don't resent me.However:"There is no necessity now.At don't before doing not set up, hospital's these affairs could not the slightest reveal.Currently, the battalion of Yuan Shao presses on to the border, the war is imminent, we want to do of the affair is a lot of, can not stand these people's turmoil.Etc. tidied up them, I then see emperor good."The Xun 彧 also had to nod, he was understand, and what I said is all fact.
Seeing the purpose that comes over today has been already attained, I also take leave to leave, Xun You's seeing Xun 彧 has already mediated a lot and also walk out together with me.Get the mansion come, I hope Xun You:"Is male to reach ah, your uncle can so, I also can not advise.However, we would not° until making great effort think for him be also good.Still have, your getting along with son cloud is very comfortable and why the need for and intentionally try to please me?Did you directly say that son cloud will ignore you?You do like this, isn't a friend BE."
The wry smile of Xun You:"You once saw a Gu text and?Is alas, I am also the truth to actually say!You also know that my uncle is so.I although being bigger than him is 3 years old, but, our temperaments are totally different.There are a lot of words, I also can not to he say of, have to bother you!He wants to be the loyal minister of man room, resolve to become historic perfect person.Unfortunately, he really livings wrong age, don't should come to this chaotic."BE ah, this is the woe of loyal minister:"But, this is also his own choice!Is male to reach, we have no dint to change his, have to protect him as far as possible.Or wait him to slowly want to know!"The Xun You noded.
I seek the third day in Xun 彧 , bore melts to say to the emperor, Cao's holding is beginning to work for he extending an imperial palace, right away starting.Emperor basically doesn't matter of, anyway he also has no right to say three four of.It is the person whom the Cao holds to pour, be like Liu Ye, it flows very strangely, will fight right away, and does the spare time build palace?The person, who speeds up to build, is again a Xun 彧 .Most people guess, this may be the Cao to hold for stabilizing public dismay of emotion but is intentionally it of.Apprehensive in the one in, Liu Ji finally implemented a Jian doctor Yi's job and ran to hold a Jian argument to the Cao 1 and said, the nation wasn't wealthy, still needed to cope with possible war right away, should not did these affairs now.The Cao held to accept a Jian argument very politely and had already let people sent doctor Liu to go home respectfullly.
However, he has no to me so polite.Several days after I seek Xun 彧 , the Cao holds to send family very proudly in my pharmacy doorway, the coarse voice atmosphere ground shouts a way:"The adult has been already made, his head the disease made, life such as everyday go into the mansion make a diagnosis and give treatment, can not delay."Good, lead clear road like this?I have to set up for one face of mean person-like in shape, connect to say to receive orders.I hang the head of small great physician to go into a Cao mansion, those people's pouring really could not say what!
The headache that the Cao holds' falling sick is to really make.This affair is also a stroke to him, faltered the basic strategy that he makes use of emperor, I the solution method for proposing again some adventure and don't think the Yi, what he thought had a headache.I kneel to sit at his Ta side, put out strength to massage skin of head for him:"The lord is male ah, you don't want to torment you like this!These affairs haven't faltered your root, not understand put, be really of, don't want to make oneself to get sick can not."
The Cao holds to shut eyes:"Could you not think?This Liu is fully remarkable, he is in Xu Zhou's action greatly go to.Not only Xu Zhou's a lot of counties county all depended on him now, he still contacted the Chang of East China Sea sparse they rebel together and really make me have a headache very much.Yuan Shao and his contact were definitely very close, didn't understand him, we would be sunk to the predicament of two battles.Still have, the parties person of Sun Ce pays tribute, he thinks that being is big department horse, the greed isn't small!This is also a lord that makes people have a headache!"The affair is really many, Sun Ce also comes to join in the fun, I see, and he is to come to sound out what Cao hold.
I smile:"Sun Bo Fu wants to be a big department horse, you make him are.Anyway his site at river east, he impossibly and really goes up north to allow all come of.Wait the affair here a, son cloud also wants to go down south river's east, I will find out to let him the way of the north Du Yangtze River not.As for Liu Bei, the of course not can indulge him at slowly the state make trouble, in my eyes, your life is one member full general, rushes through he runs, for the sake of convenience later we probably make use of him, as long as don't kill him to go.As for East China Sea, leave here to far wear, can not realize now, vanquished Yuan Shao, sent member great commander go to go."
The Cao holds to sigh:"Are you running again?Calculate, I said of, you can't listen to, either.However, Sun Ce none of yonder persons is a Yuan Shao the idiot there, you must notice, safety first!"I am to roar with laughter:"Lord Mr. ah, if Yuan originally beginning hear your words, will be grieved.The somebody else is there versed in literary and military arts, each pull up, is all well-known persons, do you unexpectedly entirely compare to be an idiot they?Like, the lord is male ah, son cloud doesn't do the affair that didn't have confidence, you trust!Sun Ce I have to go there.Although, you let pure Anne's general go to life spring, adult Chen garrisons wide Ling also quite good, but, can have a way not to make Sun Ce rise heart to go up north, isn't better?Son cloud went to, will certainly act according to circumstances.Even if he indeed as expected wants to send troops to go up north, I am over there, also can in advance get news, we do preparation so much.Go, is the head still painful?"
The Cao held to sway to sway head:"This meeting son is much better.You say also to, our energies want to put in the Yuan Shao now there, Sun Ce there say.Is alas, unexpectedly want me to try to please small generation, unwilling!"I rushed toward Chi to smile out:"This kind of status of a generation do you also calculate?Like, you are a big hero, can this breadth of mind also have no?Although we are hostile both parties sooner or later, however, you are to once say to son cloud, this art of war on multiply by and know to far hand over near offend!Take emperor this placard can also make use of, make use of make use of more!Pull a good relation and let him lead long in river's east to make Liu Biao with Sun Ce, to we development north, have much of a function."
The Cao held to also smile:"To, be good friends with to make use of so much.I fawned on to like Sun Ce, you at he the danger there will also a lot of small."No matter what he said is to is really false, my good will moves:"The thanking you considers for son cloud so thoughtful."The Cao held to smile to smile:"You and receive all of filial pieties are that I trust most , the most considerate person!Hold don't hope your any affair."I noded.
Wait Cao to hold, he says:"You say of the way, it has been several days since I thoughted, also not necessarily so and really is a good method.However, time waiting for should be very long.Yuan originally beginning be not so easily solve of, the unification of north also takes for 4, 5 years at least.I am law-abidingly worried that this emperor can't wait until us to arrange the time that he runs road .Is alas, control he, still keep wasting troops very much."His estimate has been very optimistic and actually still need 7, 8 years!Can I let time advance?Seem even if advanced here, Jing state Liu Biao is deathless, there is also no way, Related articles:

