
Monster Beats t hall Yi Hou mansio

Wang Zhu Ren also all one by one in order leaves.
In a little while, declare the person that didn't°yet leave in the room palace is only a few, Chen Jue slightly took misgiving ground to see Liu Che Yi's eye, is just wanting to go out with head of family together Zhao Wang loudly calls a way:"Wait a minute, the hall Yi Hou becomes nervous so to leave, difficult not become is have a guilty conscience?"
Chen Wu stopped a step and returned to body way:"The fief of minister although the isthmus door is little,finally is one of row Hous, Zhao Wang how can be his majesty and queen mother noodles dirty Chen Shi Qing?"This but is Chen Jue to just measure with his soft-voiced company of result, gold vulgar mother female 3 people's matter afraid is to cannot deceive, they can not admit knowing gold vulgar 3 people's identity naturally at present, necessity's bitesing dead doesn't recognize be.
Zhao Wang sneers at a way:"Few person's this words He Yi knows it in heart, you dare to say female empress not at hall Yi Hou mansion in?"
Zhao Wang this talks a , the airs of Emperor and Dou queen mother are all serious to get up, Chen Ji Xu and Chen 蟜 of the not clear inside story then hopes to go to Liu Piao Shen, eyeful question, Liu Che apprehensives erratic taste to more and immediately throw Chen Jue Shen, the eyes of the masses are fixed on under Chen Jue but don't dare to do again to Liu Che what allusion of action, just treat at first motionless.
Chen Wu grovels in the tunnel:"His majesty, the matter Zhao Wang talk today is very odd, the minister still keeps hearing for the first time empress' temple outside or have a female, don't know why in the minister heart, more unexpectedly turn an eye this female was a hall Yi Hou mansion in, minister again extremely and in fear, hope his majesty clear example of history."
Zhao Wang again way:"Hall Yi Hou this is to make a decision be protecting a son-in-law?"
One earthquake in Liu Che Xin, hope is already that the Sen is cold to the pole to Zhao Wang's look in the eyes, Chen Jue Xin knows the gold is vulgar female female 3 people's affair afraid is to cannot deceive, after death stand out from Chen Wu way:"Zhao Wang's this speech is very strange, hall Yi Hou mansion in in addition to parents outside then only have elder brother and wife Qie several people, these people is all to be from good family, rest of the person then all is a Yi Hou mansion maidservant, is Zhao Wang's meaning the empress' empress' so-called daughter at minister in home for the Nu?"
Zhao Wang Leng hums a , square said a your word, Emperor already the Nu drink a way:"Is enough!"
Zhao Wang was drunk by the Nu of Emperor to get a fright, Emperor and then ask a way to Zhao Wang:"The surname of her that daughter you repeatedly say that the empress throws man to leave a female, very who, but how ground at hall Yi Hou mansion in?"
The body way of Zhao Wang Gong:"Son minister knows the female that being named a gold is vulgar, the female of empress and gold Wang Sun, as for she how the ground arrived a hall Yi Hou your home, the son minister cans not know."
The Dou queen mother that is for a long time silent suddenly tunnel:"The emperor stops anger,Monster Beats."
Emperor way:"Have to teach me after the mother?"
The Dou queen mother shakes head a way:"On lying Ai house temple women, originally not the points hand painting feet to the affair of emperor, but the matter talked by Zhao Wang is also a family affairs, the son daughter-in-law concerning Ai house, this matter Ai house necessity take care of."
Emperor apathetically Pie empress Wang's one eye, this just way:"After the mother please say."
Dou queen mother way:"Empress' temperament is gentle and kind, need Ai house to the filial piety, need his majesty to loyalty, bring up a prince to the utmost the job is responsible, the Ai house not and greatly believes Zhao Wang talks to throw man to leave the female's matter, but cans not neglect disregard, either, Zhao Wang since say that daughter of empress at hall Yi Hou mansion, the emperor sends a person hall Yi Hou the your home look for.Wu, province Zhao Wang say the Ai house is unjust, the emperor makes the quick horse check."
The Wei Wei keeps doubting not, is all Emperor and Dou queen mothers to can believe of person.
Emperor way:" Press the mother behind say of do."
Huang Men declares after receiving orders but in the room palace sink into die general equanimity, a long time Emperor just openings way:"Chen Wu ……"
Have been aside embracing at this time the Jiao take out to choke of the Zhi is suddenly fine way:"Princess, the princess sets up with props, cure too much Be about to arrive right away."
The Dou queen mother was immediately been attracted to her words by the attention, way:"How is Jiao Jiao?"
Zhi fine way:"The empress of the queen mother, princess just like some, hear Zhao Wang say and hall Yi Hou the affair of the mansion, the princess wants to is to worry too much, this is just ……"
Dou queen mother H'm a , way:"Emperor, the hall Yi Hou house is to found a nation a hero, since the affair hasn't cleared up, the Ai house sees don't become nervous to ask him as well."
The Emperor vision is complicated, way:"I Zun after the mother life."
Empress Wang is quiet to sit in silence in the original place, make greatest efforts to maintain is the dignity of positive Emperor wife, Zhao Wang tell is her business, but the Emperor have never asked her a , several year husband and wife, her understanding Emperor too much is just thinking at this time what-the Emperor is her husband, is not likely to don't know that the body condition waiting on to receive him her first time is still just that none of these years of Emperor know that she has a daughter in the outside, she is similar to the Li Ji in those early years, violated openly Emperor Lord of the country's dignity.
Chen Jue complexion such as often, in the heart but very rough sea, the woman of emperor is to once marry of although the body was unavoidably denounced by person, also not what not forgivable affair, today it matter to key to lie in an empress into the temple of gold Wang Sun didn't die, empress since isn't a widow, at last throw man to leave a female naturally.This for the sake of rich and honored in temple but throw man to leave the female's affair once making greatly, Chen Jue has been able to foresee official hierarchy impeachment to request the Emperor condition after discarding, but empress Wang's position is unsteady, the at present various king is in the city, this prince still keep being not Liu Che to hard to say.

Chapter 76 eventually exposed when the third Zheng Rong beginning showed
Renew time:2009-9-1613:35:39 chapter word numbers:3807

Momentary the various person Be each to have worry in the middle of Xuan Shi Dian, Chen Jue takes advantage of an opportunity to comb various clues a time of and also just a little had some bottom spirits in the heart, again title at the right moment see Zhi fine to looking at him with cool look, she noodles top but none the silk ten cents is sad to fear to of the color is as as if not the same person as the appearance been rattled in times before.
Liu Che see Chen Jue and Jiao one person's one eye, think of just is Chen Jue allusion the Jiao pretend illness just give him some mitigation of time, heart bottom again is rejoice again is be depressed.
Led a long time again, severals cured to come leisurely too much, in a hurry for vein Jiao after say some minds worry the words of the type of harming the body, end just come a have no big Ai, the Dou queen mother Han head ground will cure to send to walk too much, this just not the Nu ask a way from the Wei ground:"Chen Wu, can your your home have already called gold vulgar woman?"
Chen Wu calm way:"Report back his majesty, queen mother, the minister doesn't know."
Zhao Wang Mian exposes the tunnel of Ji Feng:"Hall Yi Hou how even can the affairs in the oneself mansion all not distinguish Chu,want father emperor to ask elder sister-in-law in person?"
Dou queen mother and Emperor's accompanying is wrinkly to knit the brows, hall Yi Hou Chen Wu fear to inside Chang-an and up and down all know, their mother and child in fact very likes to the personality of Chen Wu this identity highly respectable and then not easy to handle matter, but Zhao Wang's this speech is too sarcastic.
Chen Jue Qing more tunnel:"The small minister hears Zhao Wang's children rather many, don't know if Zhao Wang can make sweep the servant name of little Weng Zhu's courtyard?"
The Nu way of Zhao Wang Wei:"The Gu is Zhao Wang, will help father the emperor cure the Li that Zhao Guo manage pure clear, the masses of people live happily, which have spare time to clear up a mean Nu surname?"The language finishes, Zhao Wang just suddenly the reaction came over him to win the flower in Chen Jue Hua to recruit.
Indeed as expected, Chen Jue says with smile:"Zhao Wang for the country of the heart isn't false to could not call of maidservant in mansion, but my father is it the whole day Si that mix the person of the back yard of Hou mansion?".Chen Jue again Gong body way:"His majesty, queen mother, although the small minister is bad, also can not term my father's fame drive bad Jian if this, also hope to forgive minister rash offense."
The Dou queen mother declines to comment tunnel:"Even if Chen Wu and building pottery don't know, your brothers do 3 people also know not a thing?"
Chen Ji Xu and Chen to see one eye.Track almost and together:"The minister doesn't know."
Princess Liu Ping of Long Lyu also realizes today's situation to mother's empress Wang and the husband's family accompany is disadvantageous, also shake head a way:"His majesty, grandmother Huang, son minister at hall Yi Hou the mansion stop over however then go to Lin Xuan in January, really don't know."
The public vision in palace together and together gathers on Chen Jue at this time, Chen Jue slowly brings about dress to put to kneel on the black paint ground, Yang track:"The minister doesn't dare to shuffle out his majesty queen mother, last year the tiny minister in home often short of servant.The his majesty advises an agriculture heavy agriculture and take care of don't dare as well the manor allocate physical labor influence from the mansion agriculture, as a result usually buy in the outside some civilians who have no ground into the mansion. Related articles:

