
monster beats o station son This s

Luo absolute being Ling Po.
The station son has many peach blossoms on all sides, pink the peach blossom under the light increase more how many beautiful.The true is a person to reflect to spend Jiao, rich in beauty.
"Eldest brother Chen just come in!"Zheng Qing Ze's body mutually invites.
Chen Wan Rong should 1, followed into station son.This station son isn't big, can sit 78 people, exact center a stone table, put a food box on the table, there is also a pot of wine, two wine cups, two pairs of bamboos chopstickses.Being a green E to put is next.See to be having a drink together in Chen Wan Rong and Zheng Qing Ting.
Zheng Qing opens a food box and puts out the food in the food box.The Chen glory late helps to beat to start and puts wine cup.Chen Wan Rong at Zheng Fu's dining over once, Zheng Qing cooks of the capability have never got to say and be rated as big kitchen.Can today's vegetables again dissimilarity.The vegetables is few, for 3 dishes, but have fragrantly fragrance of flower flavor, the Chen Wan Rong's nose is 1** smell out to come:"This is the peach blossom, this is the peony flower, and this is jasmine."
"Eldest brother Chen really has yours.Smell out on smelling to come."Zheng Qing is very happy, stretch out white jade jade hand, start to grasp wine pot to pour wine.
The Chen glory late looking at peach blossoms meat and asks a way:"Is fine, I smell this peach blossom compare with the peach blossom elbow that ate last time the son is thicker and more fragrant, you is this how to do?Still use peach blossom juice bubble?"
Zheng Qing is specially happy:"Thank eldest brother Chen to still remember.It isn't juice water used a peach blossom to soak, but use flower to fume this time."
"How to fume?"Chen Wan Rong's curiosity greatly rises.The favour asks a way.
The lo wears that vice- impatient shape of Chen Wan Rong.Zheng Qing is specially enjoyable, smile Ying Ying's explaining:"Take a piece of thin meat.Cut into, hang up, again at on all sides Sa last peach blossom.There is the flavor of peach blossom on this meat in a couple of days, special joss-stick."
Chen Wan Rong ground eyes stare eldest brother, shocked not already, the voice raises a lot, a hold tight Zheng Qing's hand, ask a way:"Did you really do so?"
Zheng Qing still thinks that the Chen glory late contains bad idea and gets a fright, the favour takes out a hand, but gives Chen the glory late hold too tightly and take out not to come out.See Chen Wan Rong's look in the eyes pure clear, there is no a little bad idea, this just understood to misunderstand and apprehensived of way:"BE ah, eldest brother Chen, is this what's wrong?"
"You know not to know that this is a great unprecedented undertaking!"Chen Wan Rong's voice adjusts to lift old Gao, almost roar out.
Zheng Qing Jing Cha not is already:"Unprecedented undertaking?Eldest brother Chen, what unprecedented undertaking ah?"
The Chen glory late claps a forehead and lets the buzzing cool head come down, this just explanation:"The meat can absorb fragrance of flower, this isn't false.Elephant you put meat betwixt so, on all sides on blossom of Sa, the fragrance of flower will immerse meat to go.Waited until fragrance of flower to have no, change fresh blossom again, this meat of fragrance of flower more and more strong."
Zheng Qing lightly shot Zhang, the wonderful eyes Zheng gets eldest brother:"Eldest brother Chen, do you also know this way?I am to want to invite you to have meal, do such a."
Disappear a person for several days, originally is doing this matter, this friendship makes Chen Wan Rong is very touched.However, Chen Wan Rong now there is no mood thanking her, but immediately after explanation:"Until the meat no longer absorbs fragrance of flower, dismantle the meat, put inside in the wine to steep.Lead several day, the fragrance of flower transfered wine to go to and chased wine after processing, can make perfume."
This is the way of the most ancient old making perfume, although Zheng Qing didn't make perfume ground viewpoint,she can discover that the meat can absorb fragrance of flower, this leaves to make the perfume only have one step of Yao, Chen Wan Rong suddenly smells under which ability not surprising Mo Ming.
Just want to do a few real jams, please Chen late the glory have meal and have never thought to unexpectedly still have this kind of a rum go, Zheng Qing is stunned speechless a while.Leng a burst of, this just asks a way very crudely:"Eldest brother Chen, what is the perfume ?Is nice-smelling?Floriferous flavor should be nice-smelling!"
The perfume doesn't need to be explained to modern people, can not don't understand to release to Chinese people.Chen Wan Rong slightly on pondering, explain for her:"Is fine, you know spice?The spice can chase a person smoked savory of, just the use of spice bothered too much.Perfume together, use very convenient, elephant water is similar, needs to put on 1:00 on the body.Don't spread for aroma several days,Beats By Dr Dre Studio."
Zheng Qing though not the love doll up, the love of beauty is after all a girl son ground disposition, on listenning to this words, the double eye puts light and stares at Chen late glory to ask a way:"This perfume eldest brother Chen shines on you to say so, can with person of maid servant more joss-stick?"Is full in eye is expect of color, expect Chen Wan Rong's affirmation.
"BE ah!"Chen Wan Rong really means to say if you have perfume.Will ask for a person more pity, fear again her face up can not stand, this just say two words.
Although only two words, let Zheng Qing the abnormality is happy, pull Chen Wan Rong ground hand, ask a way:"Eldest brother Chen, will you do?"
"Know way of doing, have never done."The Chen glory late once saw relevant perfume history data, to manufacturing there is some understands in the perfume.Be have never begun to once do.
The way that Zheng Qing thousand times expects:"Eldest brother Chen, you can do a point, is letting a somebody else the knowledge for a while?"
The Chen glory late imitates a Buddha to see a her eyes an inside on growing the stars of string, she isn't necessarily to use to make up, more is curious.This kind of marvellous thing matter, have how many women will be unmoved?Chen Wan Rong where ability unfeeling refuse, say with smile:"Can try."
"Eldest brother Chen thanks you!Eldest brother Chen, you want flower ground words, I still have here some."Zheng Qing smiles Ying Ying.Is unbearably happy, the right hand pays good-looking fragrant Yi:"I had no a matter to grow some flowers, the rose, peony, peach blossom and jasmine all had."
The Chen glory late listens to don't live to emit stars in eye, doing the perfume has to be used wine, oneself at hand has a wine shop.Have Zheng Qing the flower nursery here again, this raw material together, if could not do perfume, have no nature's law!
Is temporarily softhearted, just chase dish in the wine shop down, have never thought to still have this etc. use, this is probably a heaven's will.Is a God to want me to release perfume in the tang dynasty!Chen Wan Rong's excitement not is already, too anxious to now do.
Perfume at tang dynasty ground market prospect naturally, if not that the brain remnants can want.Can affirm 1:00, the perfume is a , will definitely arouse sensation, the sensation arousing than the soap still has to be big.
Once Chen Wan Rong's right hand clench fist and lift the way that the voice flaps spirit:"Go!"
Only a word.But deeply wear can not falter confidence.Zheng Qing starts to carry wine cup:"Eldest brother Chen, prepares to wish you succeed!Is dry!"
"Is dry!"Chen Wan Rong unusually fig ups.Start to carry wine cup, 2 people lightly touch for a while and quaff in one gulp.
The Chen glory late starts to grasp wine pot Shai wine, Zheng Qing smiles the tunnel of Ying Ying:"Eldest brother Chen, this meat all uses a same method smoked come out ground, just spend different.You taste."
"Good!"The Chen glory late starts to clip a piece of fillet, its thin like paper, but don't break, the this knife achievement carried of get, Chen Wan Rong in mind dark great 1, send into a mouth.A bite under, loose soft comfort, current captivating meat joss-stick, more have Chan person's ground sweet peach Zao voice impact, lifetime haven't also, take off a people great way:"Is delicious, delicious, really eat well!You haven't had supper, you also eat!"
The cooking technique of modern is quite good, more rare is a condiment to compare with tang dynasty more, Chen the glory late once ate of the modern delicacies is many, have no thus lovely idea, use a flower smoked meet, this matter Chen Wan Rong also really doesn't dare to think, the this time praises highly to send out the bottom of one's heart, sincerity of pole.Not that have no modern people to use a flower smoked meet, just Chen the glory late didn't meet just.
Looking at Chen Wan Rong from the heart praise highly of appearance, the eyes all of the insides of Zheng Qing Miao are to smile an idea, start to clip a piece of meat, send into a mouth, slowly chew.Her person originally very beautiful, though a very common mastication action see in the Chen Wan Rong's eyes but is different beauty.
The Chen glory late starts to clip another one dish peony dog meat, send into a mouth, the peony fragrance of flower of mouthful, imitate a Buddha to run about in the peony park, rich in beauty.
Zheng Qing's idea cooks ground achievement bottom, is all top-grade, three dish dog meats regardless the degree of heating, flavor and knife achievement is all extraordinary, Chen Wan Rong though once had supper, was still index finger to greatly move, ate happy.
Zheng Qing's appetite isn't big, eat not much, leave of whole give Chen Wan Rong the honesty Don't mention it ate.Hope the dish of light light, Chen the glory late clap belly and beat Ge son, pole satisfy, imitated Buddha to stroll an in the fairyland Related articles:

