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Hope to fix attention on ex- shocking scene, incredibly didn't continue and fill this person to keep on getting entangled in fighting, appeared brief equanimity on the battlefield.

Chapter 27

Lead snake plan to speak to should be perfect from the theory.
Royal knight the brigade captain give Di.The thunder Luo is a gold knight, the Royal knight of his troops also very has fighting strength.But have never thought, the orchid incredibly owns a She Li especially.This matter comes from our unexpected happening, therefore Royal knight's brigade as a bait suffered pole great damage.What to didn't even thought of BE, the orchid incredibly doesn't draw back troops especially, but alone left for to rescue Yi Li.Fill Si, and under the help of She Li, put on the number of demon the sword private's squad from our troops in addition to.More make hard imagination of people of BE, at has been aroused some kind ofly post-war, fill the this person is in the orchid especially under leading of young Ma Di Er from minister in house, face to own strong impact dint of heavy ride a soldier to incredibly and nowise yield, and give heavy ride a soldier unexpected heavy stroke.This corresponded to also influence a later situation development, thus caused to lead a snake plan don't obtain complete success.
From the related intelligence report analysis, we while doing any plan especially to the orchid, have to carry on full consideration to that She Li,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.Moreover, we should pay attention to the young man that calls Ma Di Er more.If can try to accept to take him, believe a meeting the Ni empire brings a tremendous advantage to England.I feel the Qian quality that Ma Di Er have already hugged to become a famous general.If can not accept Ma Di Er, should kill quickly it.
-Ni intelligence report in England six A class No.14161008331th documents
The infantries in the battlefield are slow-moving behind this retreats, the Ni person of England didn't attackstone them.Giving the Di is the person who is resolute and firm but made firm decision, but he involuntarily asks the flank a silver knight at this time:"Is to take the offensive them, still keep making track for the person whom the shot escapes battlefield?"That silver knight wants:"We or make track for the person whom the shot escapes.These people stay to heavy ride the soldiers to handle."Give a Di point to nod.At this moment, he didn't take the offensive these has to die ambition of fill the desires of this person.Royal knight brigade while filling the attention gift of this person, the direction leaving toward the Allah Si viscount makes track for.
See Royal a knight a brigade remnants leaving of remaining person's horse, Ma Di Er breath a sigh of relief.If Royal the knights are in the front side of heavy ride a soldier to pound at this of start aggression from the on the side at the same time, even if fill the dead ambition of this person to determine again, the form will also collapse within several minutes.Although Royal the knights make track for the shot Allah Si viscount will give them result in not small trouble, oneself if can be heavy to ride soldiers to obstruct one more minute Ni in England, Allah Si viscount they many pence live the hope of life.
Ba Dun leads long a horse to walk to Ma Di Er's flank and lightly clapped his shoulder:"There is opportunity, you still take to continue the heavy responsibility of admiring Bo Jia's blood as far as possible."Do not wait Ma Di Er to answer, Ba Dun soliloquized ground to say again:"Those sorcery teachers are the hopes that fills a Si country, but can't fly the sorcery teacher of Shu very difficult flee for life in this circumstance.Anyway I am a silver the knight is again a Zu shot at the same time hand, rather let a horse let one more sorcery teacher live destined to good life."
Cloth Lai gram the body that originally walk to arrive at Ba Dun side, "Ba Dun, you have an excellent son.I am also a Zu shot hand, stand on the ground to shoot a little more more quasi-ly.You my sit to ride to also lead long sorcery teacher to there go."
Ma Di Er's double eye is some misty, but weigh to ride the soldiers have already appeared in the view as for time that obviously isn't a young people's all-consuming love now inside.He represses his own feelings, loudly the hair makes:"The sorcery teacher prepares!"
While mutually being apart from 400 meters, both parties weighed to ride the soldiers to suffer the first attack.Their commanding officers obviously and too despise one exhausted troops of paying, think that they are impossibly courageous to try to resist heavy ride the soldier's strong dint impact.
Breeze blade and ice arrows for in full battle array of heavy ride a soldier to almost have no function, their sit to ride to even also cover with skin AN of pinning up.Fireball Shu and fire wall the Shu is a little bit a little stronger, although be shot to be unlikely behind elephant the common run of people Be similar to burn, but metal goodly transmits heat sex is is heavy to ride the soldiers of nightmare.Almost all sorcery teachers all use fire to fasten sorcery in the first attack, therefore the earth top being shone in glory by the setting sun appeared a kind of sad and beautiful blood-red color.
Is heavy to ride the soldiers to take more than 40 persons life as price, hurtle to leave the place of filling this person 300 meters, by this time, fill to ring out public and familiar cloth Lai in the Si battlefield a gram this straightforward laughter, "Ba Dun's brothers, I know that you always defy to annoy arrows Shu to rank after me, I also know I how much had the cheapness of count, this feudal title.We come right away everywhere today and see your connect stub three arrowses are severe, still I an arrows wear heart badly!"The words sound just fell, a benefit arrows shot to go into from an ex- chest that weighed a knight and wore later on a back and took out one Peng blood rain.
Ba Dun cachinnation way:"You cheat!Haven't shouted a beginning.See mine."The little more than words sound just fell, two knights painfully the Wu lived eyes and fell off to fall Ma Xia.Unfortunately the third arrows drive that knight's flash across.
Cloth Lai gram origin and Ba Dun easily from such as of talk that dead the privates that smile to make in the battlefield relaxed a mood.Only there is dead ambition but too nervous, can not develop completely of real strenght.
A bow and arrow brigade squad is long to toward subordinate to loudly say:"Learn from two adults to order, take aim at eyes of horse to shoot!"
When is heavy to ride the soldiers to lose more than 50 persons and then to hurtled 100 meters after, come to a the artillery range of bow and arrow hand at this time, weighing to ride the soldiers has to bear the dual stroke of sorcery and bow and arrow.
No matter what soldier grow to own much strong attack dint, or own to much and strongly defend dint, while having no match that other soldiers grow, will definitely there is fatal blemish.When the soldier with generally accepted and the strongest Si being heavy to ride the love gram in the soldier grow, but was been long-distance by sorcery teacher and bow and arrow hand to leave to attackstone, similarly very painful.
Leave to fill this person on the whole leave 50 meters of be apart from, weighed to ride the soldiers to hear the voice that they don't hope to hear most .
"Long pike hand, stick out long pike!"
Under the sistuation that the strong dint pounds at, although is heavy to ride a soldier to wear heavy A to, under the adverse effect of strong impact dint, also escape however the destiny been pierced by the long pike.So is heavy to ride a soldier to usually hurtle to before, is first thrown by a part of persons to make moves medium of long pike, disrupt an of the other party form, the rest hand holds to grow pike of heavy ride a soldier and then can make use of this opportunity to look for the weakness in the brigade form, with one action break the other party battlefield.As long as defense solution that will grow a pike hand, weigh to ride a soldier and then can launch in the battlefield of the other party big four kill.
Make heavy the matchless surprise for riding the soldiers of BE, opposite of long the pikeman seem a certain feelings of losing the mankind:Fear.
Long the pikeman are calm to accept to fly to come over with the chest of sharp long pike.After a long pikeman be pierced, the behind comes out again a have no to fear to a color of prepare take over the dead's position.A long pike that pays an inclined direction the sky, in small compass row together, the white peeped out by elephant a fierce beasts that chooses person but Nie deeply tooth.
Is heavy to ride the soldiers once hesitate, and then have several lives that is heavy to ride a soldier be seized by bow and arrow hand and sorcery teacher.They only summon up courage crustily skin of head to hurtle forward.
But three meter the long long pike don't obviously and impossibly grow in four meters of long the pike in front occupy any advantage and make more heavy ride what the soldiers fear BE, long pike hands of the other party completely are a with the that the life changes a life certainly.For heavy ride a soldier to stab to come over of long pike, they have no a silk to avoid to let of color, they just of one heart and mind adjust long pike a best angle, in order to can will heavy ride a soldier one shot sting dead.
Hugely fear to finally make heavy ride the soldiers not to obey orders to withdraw the ground.Get in touch with for the first time, weighed to ride the soldiers to throw down 200 have more corpse or be subjected to person of severely wounded.And fill the loss of this person is not small either, after all their enemy is love gram the strongest soldier of the Si mainland grow heavy ride a soldier.Fill the bow and arrow hand, sword hand of this person and hold the shield hands almost don't lose, but grew the pikeman's loss to exceed a half, haven't prepared a brigade.But although the sorcery teacher didn't lose on the number, the not many magic point that they remain almost at just of combat convenient light, the quite a few old sorcery teacher has already canned not considered of them noble image, sit at Related articles:

