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Resident has only three or four days away .relationresultBoorcusaid: Zhamuhe sweat ,not Tata or Mie son beggar comparable ,especially his Wu Lu Wu Ti and busy and watchful two troops ,which is the God of war children ,combat is very striking, and if they could say ,must not occupy much cheaper .
I see not as good as the first retreat ,find a place to stay ,they tired to counterattack . , relationresultSpeedtable : why want to stay long ,Wu Lu Wu Ti department and busy and watchful of combat although very strong ,but we Mongols battle force is not worse than they ,Beats Detox.
Set all our soldiers ,also can have nearly thirty thousand people, why should you be afraid of Zhamuhe ?We defeated the Tatar people ,defeated the Mie son beggar ,now Zhamuhe find you ,just take him .
, relationresultFoldingLe out : speed ,don ,we have just finished the Tatar people and Mie son beggar ,the soldiers are tired ,and there are many injuries are also not good .Do you think the soldiers wounded combat can beat generation Zhamuhe ? , relationresultSpeedtable speechless ,speechless .
Mu Huali took voice ,said: if we can beat Zhamuhe ,oneself will also suffered heavy losses .Don ,and Kelie headquarter in staring back at the war ?Wang Han the fox must hope we Gazza wood fight to cause destruction to both sides .
, relationresultThe thought ofWang Han fans slit eyes and smile ,in the presence of all can give birth to feel nervous and uneasy feeling .China Li said : so we don fight this battle all the light warriors ,otherwise it is defeated Zhamuhe ,also can be declared king is Hanna old fox .
, relationresultTemujinnodded ,said: China Li are right to say ,want to beat the enemy approach has very many ,and not every enemy fight to live .Temporarily does not mean that we fear ,but wait for the aggregation of good strength and give the enemy a hard blow .
But boorcu ,how should we stand ? , relationresultBoorcu: sweat ,we can refund the network cut the throat to the mountains ,I said ,Beats Solo HD,will help us beat the Zhamuhe mountain . , relationresultThenalways be scanty of words Shen said : network hill has a column called zhe valley area, surrounded by mountains ,there is very big, live in the hundreds of thousands of people ,but only a narrow valley and outside connected, easily defensible ,is a good place for defense .
And from our camp is only two days away . , relationresultTemujin in general ,Shen white ability are very special ,he was leading expeditions ,but to observe carefully ,be good at exploring terrain ,finding the way ,he said ,other people while not to zhe column Valley ,but also believe that Shen White won .
relationresultRedold however: but want to put all the people and animals was moved to the Department of Zhelie Valley to ,can take several days ,now Zhamuhe army from our resident is only three or four days away ,the time is urgent ? , relationresultMu Hualismile : then we may wish to first and Zhamuhe fight on a field .
All the village people and animals have moved into the valley after the sting column retreat too late .Sometimes the loss is not a bad thing .Don people for some redundant ? , relationresultHesaid such listening to people that see light suddenly ,as Mongolia two to advocate for ministry are not sent troops to the war ,this makes Timcha very unhappy ,but now is the war, would not punish him down .
This time Zhamuhe led thirteen troops to attack ,advocate for section was the first fled back to Mongolia camp .This time such as Hua Li said median Temujin and hands ,just can use the hand to teach a lesson to Zhamuhe advocate for people .
Let them later to a point .relationresultSoas order immediately, by bent Le immortal and Shen white two people responsible organization department people to Zhelie Valley Zhonghan retreat ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.
The other generals were to join the battle ,trapped in this Temujin mother Eerlun ,wife of Marco stick son ,sister of Mulun iron ,and a safe family are Ting body out ,the two people ,arrange civil migration issues , relationresultFourteen thirteen wing of war 3 , relationresultSuccessivelydefeated Tata son and Mie son ever after ,as the two generation of people into Mongolia ,making Temujin forces also greatly increase .
A collection of all the young soldiers fall ,also gathered a team of nearly 30000 people .Not even in the Green River downstream of Da Da Lamba Le Lord watchful ,inverted hammer Zhamuhe thirteen coalition .
relationresultTemujinknew Mongolia army number is not bad than thirteen troops ,but Tata and Mie son ever is just into Mongolia ,is not reliable, while Mongolia department such as advocate for and have sinister motives .
And his own troops had passed against Tatar department and Mie son ever part two after a fierce battle with the very tired ,so recklessly and Zhamuhe must have the good result ,but trying to drag along the time ,when people moved into all of the valley to zhe column .
relationresultSoas thirty thousand army division for the thirteen wings ,each wing with the stockade and push earth into a simple wall ,is the mutual care ,and to advocate for the Department of the first wing ,will own the main section team classification for second to read ,the other client tribes divided into the final three .
Wing .When the Department of wing by Jing attacks, near the wing troops will come friends of assistance .relationresultInTiemuzhen arranged thirteen wing of the very next day ,thirteen of Zaki Ri troops had to answer to reach Lanbale master .
relationresultSeeTemujin already cloth good thirteen wing ,put a pair of pure defensive posture .Zagreb wood and laugh ,that Temujin already .The immediate dispatch of sons of Ares Wu Lu Wu Ti department and busy and watchful for pioneer ,to Tiemuzhen attack .
relationresultWu LuWu Ti and Ti department busy and two men in its head off evil and feared a son who led the army to Mongolia first wing launched a fierce attack .The first wing command is advocate for Department of police and withdraw ,ordered the soldier in a simple fence with bow and arrow against ,started a new round of war on the grassland curtain .
relationresultButWu Lu Wu Ti department and busy and watchful of impact force is really deserves to be called the offspring this title ,summary of the wall with the stop their cavalry impact, not to a moment ,Wu Lu Wu Ti department and busy and watchful of cavalry broke through the fence ,the fold the first wing ,both show all the fight hand to hand with head-to-head ,but in thirteen the coalition forwards ,advocate for people with one down, Mongolia first wing quickly collapsed .
Rao of the escape from the first wing type for residual Shea ,dispersed to Mongolia army each of the other wing .relationresultZhamuheseeing won the first battle ,can not help heart rejoicing, immediately ordered the attack on Mongolia Army Second wing .
This time by Wu Lu Wu Ti department and busy and watchful two department head ,two armies is divided into left and right ,rolled up two smoke ,to the Mongolia army wing rushed .relationresultMongoliasecond wing is led by Temujin boorcu ,bor suddenly ,leaves wise and speed and five thousand army stationed in Mongolia ,Mongolia is the most powerful of the thirteen wing of army .
The first wing lost so fast ,in fact, Temujin plan, he originally wanted to borrow the thirteen coalition hands to punish people for people ,so in Zhamuhe attack the first wing was only a symbolic assistance once, no effort .
relationresultThe second wingwere actually the Mongolia army is the strongest one wing .Therefore the first wing failure in fact nothing, hold the second wing of this war are key ,but a fall of second wing ,then the Mongolia army cannot defeat not far away .
relationresultTemujinappropriated the broadsword ,snapped : all the soldiers are on wing ,a retreat ,legislation to cut off . , relationresultA time of Mongoliaarmy as rain arrows shot ,the enemy didn attack to the wing ,there are a lot of people were shot down off .
Thirteen allied friends significantly feel Mongolia resistance strength is much better than the first wing .But thirteen of the large number of coalition after all ,despite the injury Related articles:

