
Facebook Vanguard troops

Think again ,but also still undecided .relationresultWhile thehall of mental cultivation is chaos ,because it has several ministers comments ,so the other civil and military princes are brainstorming ,some people advocate defend Xingqing government ,have argued that far away ,it has also been advocated and .
Each one has his own words ,to each other .Not long ago still in perfect silence in the hall ,but as vegetable market, lively and extraordinary .relationresultLi Renxiaofelt a heart irritability ,was about to speak to hush ,then listen to the house suddenly stumbled ran in one ,although the weather in November ,but it only ran streaming with sweat pant for breath .
But someone has to see clearly ,this man is the rescue mission left pivot quest wave errors into zhong .relationresultHeran into the rear of a head on ,rushed to Li Renxiao bedside ,and fell to the ground, breath airway : your majesty .
.. ... Your majesty ,the good news ,the Jin Dynasty by ... ... The troops to aid .Vanguard troops ,to the ... ... To Yinzhou . , relationresultThirty-two let his advisers , relationresultLing,Chu palace .
Here is the spirit luxury ,style mansion ,it was said that was not inferior to the palace .It is the former Western Xia Xiangguo let king mansion ,now let reverence although not the prime minister ,but the term the whole family are still living in the here .
relationresultWhenany respect ,Facebook,let Cong ,Ren ,Ren Ren Deren Chunyi ,pure ,let Chunxin ,Ren Chunzhi ,in addition to the dead outside Ren Chunzhong ,any other clan leader all gather here, discuss things .
relationresultSeenumber in here ,let Chunyi stood up and said: father ,now in the clear ,the basic will not come to rescue us at home ,but to aid Ren name, in fact is to annex large white Gao Guo all land, now the song to hit the Xingqing government, we can can stand idly by .
, relationresultRen Chunxin alsosaid: uncle ,without our help ,for it is so easily captured East ,Henan area, the Southern Song Dynasty not only appreciate our now hold the post of a debt ,it took us to hold the post of a military power, the US president people all Qing remove army ,is really worthy of the others too ,uncle sir, you must think of a way to ah ! , relationresultLetto close my eyes, listened to the son ,nephew of words ,not to say yes or no .
relationresultLetthe rose up and said: brother ,pure ,pure letter says nothing wrong ,although we and the court by incompatible as fire and water ,but after all, or big white Gao Guo one, but the Southern Song Dynasty occupied the whole of large white Gao Guo ,I hold the post of a power and status will no longer exist ,so for Ren family glory, splendour, wealth and rank ,we can never be completely indifferent .
, relationresultIn the originalSong Jun sent troops to attack it ,although let to know ,but the Southern Song Dynasty complete break with ,cnn,so let family to the Southern Song Dynasty important Xing will also play the buckles, I will always lose the status ,family and only in the Southern Song Dynasty ,even Yang Yan idea, so in order to let later in the song can have a place to live in ,let to fully cooperate with Song Jun ,want grain to grain ,to soldier to soldier .
relationresultBut let family in other people and do not have any respect this insight .In their opinion ,to song ,just to help Ren ,now the new king ascended the throne ,may have sent troops ,while the court is not for opponents ,many people start to borrow for strength ,the overthrow of Lee court, then by Ren replace sb.
to .relationresultEven though thesong does not intend to prop up the ringer ,but the court was Song Jun hit, is more weak ,then Song Jun retreat ,only by Ren force ,also enough to overthrow the Lee instead ,if not also cracked soil self-reliance .
This term owners can not just powerful ,and each one will become a kinsman of the emperor ,the dragon dragon sun .relationresultWhich iseither Chunyi ,but because of an any respect the emperor ,then he is by far the crown prince ,the future also face south back north ,he sat temple that day .
So at the beginning of the war, each won the victory song ,Ren will scramble to celebrate ,as if from the throne and the last step .In the song ,also make every effort to meet .Ren Chunyi even took out a part of money ,to support the song .
relationresultButas the war progressed, though Song Jun had won, but there are a lot of Ren children found something wrong .The first song take place, all its own troops ,and not transferred to Ren management ,instead of the original Ren Wei state into their own jurisdiction ,to appoint officials ,even the spirit of state city ,stationed in many systems ,took over half of the city does not say, also put under military FCA ,re-election people can freely access .
relationresultIf saythese things because in wartime, required urgent from the thing ,also has some truth .But Song Jun took Xiang Qing army and Lingwu ,to charge in Hetao region, it is clear from the help of Ren range ,but significantly to occupy the land .
relationresultFromits is the first to the army ,song Ren also required to wage war ,let the king will be his own 60000 elite troops are also all gave Yang Yan command ,and the army all power to Yang yan .
But Yang Yan also not polite ,took command of the army power after ,immediately and Ren close generals are removed from the army ,promoted a batch of the lower in general ,the Ren most loyal several troops prepare upset ,dispersed to other services ,gradually in the spirit state army clearance Ren influence .
relationresultAnda breakthrough in the the Yellow River defence ,Yang Yan prepared to attack the Xingqing government, to build fortifications ,need people for, spirit state army all posted to the Yellow River to the west ,further weakening the Ren and forces between contact .
At the same time and sent to the spirit state ,will large quantities of food and military supplies were transported live Xiang Qing army .relationresultAt this stage,there is not seen for intentions ,so let leaders immediately called his advisers ,together ,how to cope with the situation .
relationresultAfter listening toa few people after speaking ,any respect . beard ,said: so do you have any good idea ? , relationresultTolet insults ,the others being at a loss what to do ,can have no idea .
Most of them are all rich men ,yell ,but they get an idea ,but will be at a loss what to do .relationresultAfter a moment,let Chunyi just said : father ,now the only way is to launch attack on Centaur ,Xiang Qing army ,google.
Now Song Jungang had won the battle ,must prevent lax ,we take advantage of Qi in Song Jun to stab a knife ,forcing Song Jun to retreat .As for back later ,we go to attack Xingqing house, killed Li Renxiao ,thus ,large white Gao Guo is our permanent home .
, relationresultHearing what he said,either pure science ,as Chunxin are spirits ,are : for ,it is a good way . , relationresultLetto listen ,not by hum said: attack on the song ?We now have a number ?Song Jun has a number ?Take what to attack the song ?Even if the attack is successful, so Xiang Qingjun can how ,now deputy to the best white Gao Guo Road ground ,a mere Xiang Qing army ,with the song not shaken the foundation .
, relationresultListen toany respect it, just clap as pure ,as Chunxin help down down ,since the sixty thousand elite troops to be deputy after the transfer ,the city spirit ,now is also more than 30000 troops ,but only ten thousand is the regular army ,the other twenty thousand have hired militia ,fundamental .
The big .In the spirit of the city and state ,also stationed in ten thousand Song Jun ,but is not so Ren attacks, first put out by Song Jun .relationresultBut Ren Chunyi stillfirm ,said: is right in the west coast of the the Yellow River ,not we are fifty thousand or sixty thousand people ?Just send a man to the army ,led the soldiers rioted ,can put Song Jun upset . Related articles:

