
cheap beats by dre walk toward the Na

Say:"Although the bright various absolute being opened bright rule, however rule isn't so easily comprehend of, more than 1,000 in the last yearses, the follower of the Vatican adds ascend 10,000,000,000, can develop belongs to his/her own space of the saint also have more than tens, but have no 1 to touch a regular side. however, there is this ring dissimilarity."
Elder brother Bu in an absent sort of way touched touch that saint power ring, he originally thought this thing is just a container that storage believes in strength, didn't thought of, it was real of the use is help to own feeling Wu rule.
For Xuan in"rule" it again the thing of Xuan, past of he even want to all don't dare to think.
In his memory, seem and then only have and that surname the Taoist priest of the piece once spoke of "way", "way"'s seeming is moreover a kind of regular called a method, in addition, he has never once run into to have relation with rule any further of topic.
The facial expression abnormality of "rule?" elder brother Bu is exciting, his seeming to is frightenned, even voices all some dithers get up.
Dwarf's pouring is to seem to be very calm, he clapped the arm of clapping elder brother Bu to say:"The rule isn't in fact mysterious, you have been all aring getting in touch with rule, just don't notice. you had to once think, why can the strength believing in convert to become divine power? why does this kind of conversion have to be carried on by clergy?"
Elder brother Bu really has never thought, so freely asks a way:"Is this it the rule that is rising a function?"
The "that's right." dwarf says:"Will believe in a strength conversion to become divine power of isn't you, but the rule that the bright various absolute being exerts on you, each the persons who like to be clergy wants to accept a series of rites, the function of those riteses is solid to turn rule."
"I once accepted to baptize with six quit to add to hold." elder brother Bu hurriedly says.
The "so still not enough?" dwarf calls a way:"Six quit to add to hold of high status, your personal status is tantamount to fanatic, in the eyes of bright various absolute being, you affirm more even popular than a bishop."
The words that readily "besmirch"s to this dwarf, elder brother Bu already don't care.
At the moment he all of full brains are rules, suddenly elder brother Bu thought of a matter, the facial expression immediately becomes dignified, and he discovered two flaws.
"You are at play a joke on me?" elder brother Bu pulls a long face to ask a way.
"Then it ring thus precious, in those early years spirit one clan why not simply directly created for oneself a , on the contrary wanted to send goodwill gestures to the Vatican?you just also said, rule as if a benefit knife, and then have who will chase so a send the benefit knife to the enemy?again say, nowadays Pope's his majesty fork why want will so a send the benefit knife to me? does he think that my real strenght is still not enough strong?"
The dwarf didn't feel surprised, he early knew that elder brother Bu will have question like this.
"I answer your second question first, Pope will send this ring to you nowadays, explains he may basically don't know the secret of this ring, don't forget, once had what Pope died on the history of the Vatican ambiguous, one among the Popes at in the article of death previous it is said that have been already gone crazy. perhaps the secret concerning saint power ring because of this reason, just don't keep on spreading."
The dwarf ground to a stop for a while, let elder brother Bu think a short while, this just continue to say:"As for the first problem, you thought one clan: spirited and then dided not is similar to of thing?
"As early as more than 2,000 years ago, they had already made similar thing of, unfortunately they believed in of the various absolute being didn't open homologous rule, but went to a world to leave behind the origin rule up to now, the fork was really too profound mysterious, basically wasn't what they can comprehend, so spirit one clan would create this ring sends to the Vatican, thus can not only send goodwill gestures to the Vatican, but also seize the chance to trail and discover bright rule."
Slightly the petting begins to up wear of the ring, in the elder brother Bu heart absolutely be like turn over a river to pour sea general.
The dwarf ascertains intent through word and expres, knowing elder brother Bu's in the mind is a bit hesitant, and the decision adds dint again.
The "you still hesitate what? even if is frightened to fail, try again no harm?" dwarf says.
Is trying again no harm?Elder brother Bu's heart finally faltered.
Come out from the bar, elder brother Bu still some facial expressions are absentminded, at the moment of he, feels this world really too crary.
Last night he still just consideration, how shoulded get away from now this Gan isn't not the personal status of Ga, let the upper-class society accept him so much, but now, his brain in but is all thing like the rule, various absolute being.
For proving that oneself didn't be dreaming, elder brother Bu by hand touch touch right-hand pocket, put a spooler there, this is a record spooler, although it long just one Chinese foot, breadth only 6 inches, an equal to 300 page thick book, that up is exactly the real profound mystery of saint power ring what to write.
Brain in think an affair, elder brother Bu involuntarily has a little dejected, he even forgot he is driving wagon come of, sway to longly add the direction of small town to walk toward the Na.
The call that"step aside quickly, step aside quickly." is a burst of to exclaim the Si of voice and horse wakes up with a start elder brother Bu.
He is one title, see a wagon bumping toward him.
Hitting first his is certainly the horse for pulling cart.
Elder brother Bu is a little fellow, the weight doesn't arrive 60 kilograms, so be bumped to go out a while.
Like elder brother Bu at the moment is at the beginning no longer that will several weak hands that recruit the arrows Shu and a sorcery, although his still just a novice, however he is a very strong novice.
Almost for an instant, all strength in his body convert to become sacred Dou spirit, although he still doesn't know how the correct usage Dou annoy,make oneself be unlikely to get hurt has no problem.
At the beginning when the space mulberry count gets, he is to rely on this to recruit from the gravity control under succeed in escaping, now makes use of for the second time, regardless being a technique or a reaction the speed is all quick many.
Rely on arrogant sacred Dou spirit, elder brother Bu simply bore to live that to bump, at fall to the ground of that for an instant, he annoys sacred Dou again all conversions for the divine power, sees him a with the hand, a white only shoots at pull cart of those four Ma Shen up,cheap beats by dre.
This is"pacify Shu", a magical power in lowest the most simple, advantage is needless sing, have no call to the match of signal, can display with the hand.
Horse of frightenning immediately calmness come down, however the carter, who drive, still keeps having some and having not yet recovereding from a fright, he is originally just intending and drink and scold 2 and vent for a while, but make moves at the sight of elder brother Bu, immediately don't dare it's much bothersome and live and all see more and know widely in the persons of the Lu Pu Nai Er and especially be like him this kind of as nobility Hao the person who handle affairs in the door, even have opportunity seeing some things that the other people could not see.
Although the groom doesn't dare bothersome, don't represent this matter to end like this, sat in the wagon of is two Ms. Weis, two people originally are talking to smile breeze to living, suddenly of parking, let two of them immediately crash into opposite car wall up.
"What happened?"
The curtain of wagon is emphatically drawn back, it is thus clear that being bumped is painful of young lady, the hatred in the heart has how and greatly.
"Can …… young lady …… I ……" groom not knows how to answer just good, he dares not offends Ms. Nu, but also not dare to give offense to at present this.
Elder brother Bu certainly can't let a coachman take the blame, he is just intending to explain 2.
Looking at a car window the behind is that beautiful face, elder brother Bu immediately one Leng, he feels a bit familiar looking, but it happened that don't recall again, where did oneself once see this young lady ever.
Proper elder brother Bu is deep in thought the bitterness thinks of time, another exactly alike beautiful face also appears a behind at the car window.
At present elder brother Bu thought of.
The twins whom he once sees combine not much, thus beautifully is also rarely seen, but can give him the impression for leaving of, only 1 rightness.
Speak of, these two Ms. Weis are regarded as his time in the play regiment, receive of the last customers.
At the beginning as he is being contributing efforts to these two crary bond maids, nun Ying Bo Rui suddenly comes to seek him, from that after, he completely walk last the road of another life.
"You good! still remember fragrant square of the wave of three year ago carnival nights?" elder brother Bu dismantled hat, current of he compares with three year agos although the qualities changes the factory is a lot of, but the looks didn't change how much.
Those two Ms. Weis tiny tiny one Leng, they think that the factory thinks, a short moment after, start to fly one Fei at the same time on two people's face red.
Three year agos of they are absolutely two crazy wenches, knows just all day long that pursuing is fresh to stimulate, what affairs dare to do, however the night in carnival, disguise change to dress up as an outside to enjoy"especially Related articles:

