
beats dr dre ing sun to set out f

All the way chapter 704 south escapes
"Talk nonsense!"Enjoy into point at Li Dian on the city head to would be to drink a way:"This city of Lang Ling is clearly me west what Qin takes down!How to become your Cao again Wei of?You Cao Wei desire with I west Qin open hostilities not become?"
"Happy general this speech differ Yi!"Seem to be early to guess at Li Dian on the city head joy into will drink to ask thus, light on smiling, but is in no hurrily say:"Sun Ce is greatly negative the way murder Emperor not!Wei Hou sends out Jiao Zhao to order world hero to beg for it and changes but talks it, Wei Hou is this time leader of alliance that quell campaign against Sun Wu!The happy general before took down this city of Lang Ling from Sun Ce's under charge, original should hand over to Wei Hou to handle, I receive Wei Hou's life, from the general here take over the city of Lang Ling, and then have a problem?Please trust and guard the expensive department of the city of Lang Ling in times before and have already sent a person to send back before my a persons didn't harm, west Qin!At present our common enemy, should be that traitor Sun Ce, we 2 had better not harm compatibly be!"
Li Dian this words although some chicaneries, the it happened that joy enters and cans not finds any reason to answer criticism, Zhang Zhu Zui Leng along while, finally joy enter can be to swallow this tone and hated ground to drink a way:"Forget it!This matter temporary forgets about it!However the our army before engages with Sun Ce's battalion, what then the few can not fight the many, at present enemy the soldier be after death making track for shot, also ask general Lee to open city gate, let us go in to avoid pursuing troops!"
Enjoy into so on saying, have already at last backed an one step, admit a Cao's Wei to the ownership of Lang Ling, can Li Dian enter to the joy of claim, but is to want to don't think, outright refusal:"Happy general!I have already said in times before, before the order that hasn't got Wei Hou, I absolutely can not open city gate!Still invite general to forgive!"
This next joy enters but complete Nu, allow who all listen to come out, Li Dian this is to put clear want to sit on the sideline a vanguard soldier be made track for by Sun Wu Jun to kill!Enjoying into that is a spirit have his face raddens all over, in the hand of grow a gun to raise, the Yao points Li Dian on the city head, is about to deliver the words launch an attack to the city of Lang Ling, this time, six arriving to is already lousy happy enter after death, flurried shout a way:"Happy general!Can not!Mo strategic area moveses!"
Block bottom to enjoy after entering, six lousy eyefuls complicatedly saw one eye city Wei's soldier of that impression of army orderliness of head, to joy enter say:"Happy general!Our current circumstances can not open hostilities at all, general Mo strategic area moves!Leave!We return to first!"Say, leaving no chance to explain pulls joys to enter and then go toward back to walk.Drive six lousy pull so, the joy enters also not resist, can be to hate ground to stare 1, the non-commissioned officer woulding be to take after death withdrew among the battalion.
But at the moment on the city head, Li Dian sneers at a , before is already the right hand that raises Gao to then slowly let go of, at his stand after death full the bow and arrow hand is already all curved bow to take arrows, treats Li Dian Yi make under, numerous arrows Shis can toward the Qing Xie outside the city.Li Dian's lookinging at has been already left of joy into wait a person, flash across of face one silk is regrettable, if just enjoyed to enter to dare to issue order to offend city, Li Dian completely has already lent to west Qin Jun launch an attack!Can also annihilate the west Qin Jun's whole amount when the time comes in under the city, this is a big achievement!
Li Dian's ideas, the nature is to deceive however six Be getting more lousy, in fact as early as previous of Ru south of war of time, six lousy have already figured out some clues, see now Wei's soldier appear here, six lousy is already to completely can affirm, the Cao holds with Liu fully must be reach a certain secret agreement with Sun Ce!Only can explain like this why Sun Ce presume all main forces since the Yang state adjusted, but complete need not care a river the east is rather sweet of threat.Want to come, must be Liu Bei!Must be Liu to fully make moves, held up for Sun Ce sweet rather of offensive!And Wei's soldier burst upon now at the way out of vanguard soldier up, naturally, must also want to match with Sun Wu's battalion, give° the vanguard soldier to besiege in the Yu state!
Only the Cao holds so deceitful with Liu Bei, but is don't dare openly defiant act help Sun Ce, but used various of borrowings, let west Qin can not grasp a words handle at all.Return to among the soldier of vanguard soldier,beats dr dre, six lousy ownly calculated to tell Zhang Liao and joy to enter, 2 people are also all that one face is dignified, all of them are the Zhi that is good at using brains will, understand this to matter to fasten a graveness naturally, the lane isn't good, will let vanguard soldier whole army is routed!Enjoy into hesitated a short moment, woulded be to say:"Want to be not, do we round to open the city of Lang Ling and directly withdraw Jing state?As long as withdrawing Jing state, I don't believe that plan to dare to also make track for!"
"Do not go!"Six lousy shook head to veto happy enter of this suggest, say:"The Cao holds this person old crafty huge Hua, severals of the under charge strive for a private also all is very badly, absolutely can't only this one-step chess!If I didn't guess wrong, the Cao holds affirmation many ambushes while returning to arrangement of the road of Jing state, etc. we to take the bait.Besides with the condition of the vanguard soldier in nowadays, only afraid haven't waited to withdraw Jing state, will drive Sun Ce to catch up!So we must are to think another way!"
Zhang Liao is also a dark to wear a face and agree six lousy parlances and lower the head to deliberate a short moment, finally to six lousy with joy into say:"Since can not westwards, that we go southward!Going down south river east is also an exit!I didn't believe that that plan is true of so trusts Cao to hold, dare to put him to capture so many city defenses!"The city of Lang Ling closes to Ying Chuan, this Ying Chuan is also the territory that the Cao holds, so the Cao holds and goes down south to seize Lang Ling to pour is also convenience.And Yu state south those territories be a Yu state of interior region, whatever Cao held to reach with Sun Ce, Sun Ce perhaps doesn't dare to indulge Cao to hold as well thus unbridled in the Yu state.
For Zhang Liao's parlance, six lousy hesitated a short moment, finally is also noded to agree this opinion, actually, this is also now vanguard soldier the only exit.Just six lousy in the minds but still keep having some discomfort, that plan is just a bumptious fellow, shortage in order to fear to, can Sun Ce nearby still have a week Yu!Will he can be surrounded by such break out of what he deployed of vanguard soldier?
Since already settle next target, the matter should not be late, the vanguard soldier is naturally to sign a horse to set out, only on the face of it, for hoodwinking Li Dian of the city of Lang Ling, the vanguard soldier still did 1 round to open Lang Ling, west into return to the appearance of Jing state.But assurance can't drive after Li Dian discover, the vanguard soldier signs a horse to would be to turn a head to go down south and keeps the new county of taking the south.
The new county is a small city that is belonged to Yi sun county, be located in Yi sun county's most southern part, as long as leading Yi sun county, being handing over of the Lu river's county and Jing state, river's east boundary place, getting to there, the vanguard soldier can say is safety!
And want to attain a new county, but is not so easy either of, go down south a new county from the Lang Ling, have to ast least also there is road for three day, the on the way wants to pass by Anne's sun, interest county, only mountain and western sun Szu-cheng, even want to sail across Huai water.If not that west enter of the road walk impassability, Zhang Liao didn't want to walk this road as well.
However luckily, in times before week difference for guarding Ru south, Yu state all troops and horseses adjusted to return to Ru south is inside the city, so Yu state inshore other city defenses, there is no fielding strength.The first day that went down south from the Lang Ling, the vanguard soldier keeps taking Anne's sun, one breath Anne the sun gave Duo came down, and rested well in the Anne's sun city whole a night, this is also from Ru south a war, the vanguard soldier slept to dependably feel for the first time.
Only Zhang Liao waits a person not and dares again the Anne sun take a rest too long, after all still have Sun Ce's battalion at the behind to tightly make track for not to give up!At the crack of dawn on the second day, the vanguard soldier sets out from Anne's sun and continues to go down south, passes through Huai water and connects to take an interest county, light mountain, west the sun is three cities.Indeed as expected, these three cities are similar to Anne's sun, all have no how much troops and horses garrison, to vanguard soldier, absolutely be like don't establish to defend!The troops of vanguard soldier that can only cherish now is limited, can not divide to send army horse at all to garrison these three cities, can be to give° these three cities to give up and rest in the west sun whole a night, hold firmly time to start toward the last county with new target into deliver!
Take down a new county according to the original plan, rest the whole a night in the new county, waited until tomorrow, then can return to the west Qin's territory, this news, let the officers and mens of vanguard soldier all feel very excited.This all the way drive to make track for to kill to get place to run about aimlessly, this time on the whole is can break out of a sea of woes!But while just preparing sun to set out from the west, previous Zhang Liao in times before stay have already rushed through back at the light mountain scout, say to have already discovered that Sun Wu makes track for a soldier in the light mountain, this under but wait at Zhang Liao the person's head up sprinkle a pail of cold water, see come or want to step up speed be!
The sun sets out and at a stretch would was to rush through 23 hours from the west, distance destination new county, approximately still have ascend 100 inside of distance.Being already scorching sun overhead at this time is exactly a noontide, already an early summer now, the weather is very sultry, and all of the officers and mens are the big sweat of the whole bodies.See this circumstance, six lousy rightness of just in command of the troops go forward of Zhang Liao's suggestion:"General piece rather takes a break first!"
Six lousy Be saying and keeping putting on the sweat bead on the head.Although he is to ride in the war right away, comparing with those on foot officers and mens has to save energy a lot, so big sun, six lousy also Be just a scholar, and still keep being from noble family, where once ate this suffering, walk faster after these several days, originally very fair complexion face now is also become black many.
Zhang Liao turns the officers and men that the head saw one eye surroundings and considered for a while, is also nod to agree.The this morning vanguard soldier was also quickly today many speed, want to come even if is just Sun Wu's battalion to take down a new county before making track for, should being able to also taking the other party to arrive to!And now the status of the vanguard soldier officers and mens, even if is strong line of to arrive to a new county, only afraid also had no physical strength, don't even say is take over a new county.
For a while, the order that right on the spot takes a rest's the officers and mens together brush grounds all to once the ground lie, this morning is to make them getting the sufficient Qiang tired, if not that western Qin Jun always grasp carefully in the discipline, only afraid this strong line of method for walking faster, early arouse the officers and mens the Kui escaped.
And Zhang Liao, joy enter and six lousy 3 people also are to dismount, sought a place to sit down to take a rest in the wayside, joy enter big the big infuse water, and six lousy is also with the cuff of sleeve wipe dry the sweat bead on the forehead, turn head to ask way to Zhang Liao:"General piece!How is the condition of the injury on your body?"
Zhang Liao smiled to smile, subconscious ground stretched hand to touch shoulder up of wound, shake head to say:"Already like Be getting aer lot of!In times before the time in light mountain, let people seek a doctor to took a look, no harm!"
[w w w .bxwx.net]

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