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ancient town is now very anxious to know whether the surgery.

survey: How do you mentally handicapped son, mother to cancer donate a kidney to save brother?

real version you are mentally handicapped younger brother of my brother to donate a kidney to save brother a series of reports

ancient town brothers, Two days, many well-intentioned people have come to visit, expressed willingness to contribute, the ancient home has received twenty thousand yuan of donations. However, surgery can be is still unknown.

Yesterday, the Provincial People's Hospital Medical Service director Zhang Gangqing said: surgery on the premise, the ancient New Ying must have full civil capacity, and suggested that the ancient home of the ancient authorities to find a new intellectual Ying were identified.

text / reporter Ouyang morning map / Correspondent Sea countries

warm: people come to visit donation twenty thousand yuan

yesterday afternoon, this reporter went to Provincial People's Hospital to see, done hemodialysis treatment of the ancient town, on the right side of the neck covered with gauze. He said the brothers have to go the bank. These days there are many good people to donate money, friends, let him go to the bank to view the next, for a SMS notification. Two days, received a total donation has reached more than 20,000 yuan.

careful talking about the heart of ancient town thanks to: The day before yesterday evening, there was Mr. Huang came to a specially million; later, Mr. Lee gave 500 yuan; noon today, but also to a bit Mr. Wei to a thousand dollars, and so on.

At this time, the ward again a visit by Mr. Qiu. Mr. Qiu said he opened the winery in Sichuan after a friend was very moved to see reports, specifically call their own are in Meizhou, hope it can go to the hospital to view the next situation, and then decide how many donations.

love: Ms. Fan Guangxi willingness to donate a kidney

ancient town of the students told reporters that Mr. Huang, Nanning, Guangxi has a call Aunt Fan said he's willing to donate a kidney to the ancient town.

correspondent then call Ms. Fan's phone. Ms. Fan said, she is now in Nanning, this year has been 49 years old, kidney donation The reason for kidney donation, is feeling the ancient town is too difficult.

Ms. Fan's desire can be achieved? Provincial People's Hospital Medical Service director Zhang Gangqing told reporters, according to the regulations of the country, organ donation can only occur in at least 18 years old, with full civil capacity, and voluntary and immediate family, collateral relatives within three generations, and helping relations between people. Specific to the kidney donation on top of others, in addition to see whether the kidney with the outside world, but also rigorous study is really helping, exclude the possibility of organ trading. Thus, a series of legal procedures to go.

tangle: authority for the intelligence needed to identify

Zhanggang Qing said that the country the very strict provisions of kidney donation, the hospital is of strict compliance with relevant state regulations. Specific to the issue of the Paleocene-ying, mainly to see if he has full capacity for civil conduct. Because the sources of organs, the donor must have first asked the full civil capacity, and understand the possible risks. Even without the new Ying silly old man said, hospitals may be through their behavior, language, and his own willingness to make a very careful on these judgments.

on the ancient with the new Ying is full civil capacity, the hospital will be more careful, will be asked to submit the relevant certification authority of the intellectual situation of the ancient identification of new Ying, and then make a decision.

He said that the Guangdong Provincial Second People's Hospital does not currently have the staff to make such identification and institutions, the ancient town brothers best to have the appropriate qualifications to carry out an appraisal of the hospital.

dialogue Ancient City

can earn money to support themselves after the transplantation

hemodialysis will allow me to become a basket case

Reporters: this Some controversy in society, do you think my brother will understand the operation situation?

Ancient City: I do not think mentally handicapped younger brother, his inward man, would not say that the Assembly does not communicate with people. Brother would do farm work, riding a motorcycle will be, will write their own names, arithmetic is not very good, but no problem to buy things, usually also save money.

the hospital, I asked his brother: better, we three brothers will take care of this life brother.

Reporter: Is there any consideration to donate a kidney to his brother, the new Ying ancient damage?

Ancient City: consult a doctor, how many kidneys have some damage, but not great. Many people donate a kidney is good. The risk of surgery, I have thought about. So now doctors are considering.

I heard a doctor say that this risk is not great,beats by dre solo, not a major surgery. I do not know how to do? If the hospital refused surgery, and can only come to that point to speak.

Correspondent: Other treatments can not I? For example, hemodialysis.

Ancient City: Prior to conservative treatment, essentially no effect. Consult a doctor before I decided to transplant surgery. Hemodialysis, then to have to do so, a week at least three times the cost of each by five hundred dollars or so, do not say that they can not do anything in the future, but I could not afford this cost.

for a kidney, I can also play a job, earn money to feed themselves, while hemodialysis is no doubt make me useless.

link: uremia treatment

(reporter Lee determined)

Urology, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command introduced Dr. Shen Wen, a common treatment for uremia with hemodialysis and kidney transplantation.

kidney transplantation: is the most effective way to treat uremia. If successful transplant, patients can live like a normal person. If successful match, the kidney transplant between relatives is the most ideal. Transplant between twins, which is best, followed by different brothers, the couple married two years later, the transplant results better.

dialysis: include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is moving through the puncture - venous blood vessels or vascular catheter, the blood leads to the body, into the dialysis machine dialysis, expel toxins. Peritoneal dialysis is a catheter in the abdominal cavity in the home, poured into the abdominal peritoneal dialysis fluid, peritoneal semi-permeable membrane by the nature of the blood and peritoneal fluid exchange between the contents of toxins from the body.

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