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Still in the wiping head sweat ,outside the thunder voice to his pressure is too large ,then again ,he was really afraid of the outside parade in rushed the crowd ,I everyone here even bone dregs never left .
relationresultTwo of the workers !~ specialist horse Khan to conceal the heart tremor ,relaxed - airway ,and unconsciously looked back towards the station on his sofa behind the maid Shida Xiuko ,the other with a determined look ,it is the heart, this is the Japanese quietly gave his bodyguard ,no one can think of this delicate timid beautiful girl is a master ,Beats By Dre Free shipping day,is also because she is the master ,the rose with thorn flower he has dared to get started .
relationresultMayor Wang with a word ,its will strain every nerve protection here every adult safety . The police bureau director Chen suddenly a stand at attention ,belly fat quivered .
relationresultSay ,say ,he can rest assured ,that the brothers hand gun is not a vegetarian ,Cai head suddenly took the arm of the sofa, holding the pistol : grandma, outside these mobs have what good call ,we go to have a look lively ,stuck in here it seems we guilty ,afraid of the untouchables .
, relationresultTheystartled ,the commissioner was suddenly looked rather pale ,said: these going out ,the mob would not come . The usual exorbitant tax levies had let common people hated him .
Listen to the sound outside ,his calf cramps in straight .relationresultThe policebureau director Chen rather admire Cai head views ,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift,he was already a gangsters origin, common color is darker than these professional civil service is much stronger ,he pulled out the gun : Cai head light ,what fear, went out to see ,we hand gun is not a vegetarian .
Go and have a look these miserable can produce what pattern . , relationresultThe otherone being at a loss what to do ,before the two rose from the ranks of the redneck ,with guns in the hands ,not the life and death in your heart .
relationresultLooking at theChen and Cai head with nonsense ,Ma Khan specialist don appeared timid ,say to show it in front of other people ,think of and behind a master bodyguard ,simply the heart one horizontal stroke : go ,we go outside have a look ,have a look these schoolboys and smelly bitter force can produce what is that .
He went to the town hall door .Posing as a maid behind the Shida Xiuko keep up with .relationresultTheofficer said .Other people had to bite the bullet and followed out .relationresultThe horsespecialist figure just out of the door, outside those long no see government of people ,wait the marchers grew suddenly raised a notch .
This has been completely limp to the Commissioner of inland revenue was almost scared straight running back .relationresultEverybody look at the scenery expression stands in the entrance to city hall ,to the outside a little finger, but not on the pale face .
relationresultSeethe hall has like figure out ,parade crowd is suddenly pressed forward ,stop line of soldiers to resist ,even with a buttstock hit coming person .relationresultSpecialistMahan pulled a treble mic ,took a breath tested the sound ,pulled the bureaucratic shouting: calm down ,please calm down ,everybody .
relationresultI amspecial government officer ,please don in trouble here ,and all the students ,is a government thing ,your task is to study hard ,don riot ,to believe that the Japanese government ,is will eventually be * * give away ,you quickly go home .
The what to do, don stuck in here ,you have to believe that the government -- the word has not said ,under the spell of his voice the crowd reviled submerged .relationresultRumors ,devils are here ,in front of the team shot put and then run back, but not the common people live .
, relationresultdamn army not to suffer play devil ,designed to bully people ,rob things not ,know our people than the Japs bullied . , relationresultA fewdays ago the Japanese South, the Kuomintang troops immediately burst Japanophobia ,several armies collapse without a battle ,be confound at shouts Devils badly ,devils !~ straight will run ,the road also robbed civilians to devils ,fierce ,the people can be fierce with it ,a stare ,two people, three people ,four steal anything ,even killing civilians sparked outrage evil * * a .
relationresultfourth were devils wounded on the way home ,your soldiers also hard Lai He ,pressing and we bail money ,or killed him, no officer out of it ,you will have no conscience !�� relationresultWe support the materials are you these officials to sell ,the money can also be your corruption, you are not the corruption ,also people down with the corrupt officials .
, relationresultOn ,I pay the tax, there are several pieces of mark money ,money are you over to the brothel where ,either I in the brothel door pull it back ,don you these corrupt officials do these good, !Are resistant to the kiln bed .
The crowd was screaming out ,also caused an uproar .relationresultJustmouth did not say ,want to use their appeal to quell demonstrations ,was exposed to the Kuomintang commissioner was notorious horse Khan Gray not even speak out ,he seemed to remember his name in time for the visit brothel is the fare like some markers ,this money is a official honor it, it just refers to himself .
relationresultDetermined to anti-Japanese ,down with the corrupt officials, not the contributions of corruption !�� relationresultDown with Japanese imperialism ,overthrow the corrupt officials ,down the traitor !�� relationresultCity hall entrancewhich faces are hanging out ,eyes vacillate ,behind all wet ,the thought of their illegal anti-Japanese materials ,pocketing the contributions and whether deserters disturbing things in a seamless heavenly robe ,which know the whole people expose out ,horse specialist pale ,feels like being naked in public as station the presence of the people ,like a lamb to be slaughtered to ,look out to battle his own officer Granville Square parade people ,not only did not get, but let himself in the face all the officers .
relationresultJuston the edge of that several officials more miserable, sweating straight take each other on ,only flat on the ground ,as the saying goes public clamor can melt metals. ,such as thunder storm mass chorus slogan ,everyone is cannot withstand .
relationresultLook atall the faces are wrong ,Cai head cattle splenic mesothelial came up, he felt the face was burning , Mom ,want to revolt is it right? !To say , on the air on a shot ,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday,the shot does not matter ,but causes immediately in front of the city hall square crowd in a mess ,that someone in the parade shot ,you push, stopped in front of city hall in front of the soldiers immediately eat to labour ,defense has collapsed the potential .
relationresultThe sixty-third Festival , relationresultCity Hall beforethe crowd chaos ,thought to be riots ,this is a nervous collapse, one He just scared collapsed ,almost did not fall to the ground ,but immediately behind the Shida Xiuko hold ,equestrian commissioner was unsteady pointing in front of the masses ,Hu said : to be built ,rebel fast ,quick ,repression !�� relationresultHavescared the lousy choice of word horse sweat words but by Cai head as orders ,not hesitate to shouted : !�� relationresultExecutivecommand ,originally to frame a gun fight in the crowd soldier course immediately ,who called the soldiers to obey orders for the bounden duty .
relationresultTheirslogan parade was suddenly city hall door suddenly burst scattered gunfire to shocked ,with harsh screamed and screams ,at the city hall in front of the person in front of them escaped ,people still do not know the circumstances behind the pressed forward ,until a fierce volley rang ,the entrance to city hall square suddenly fell down before a crowd, the entire square upstream pedestrian group collapsed ,continuous gunfire ,guns forced out a string of flame swept to the crowd, 7. Related articles:

