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Temple was born precursor ! Lin Fang thought for a while then asked should days .relationresultYes ! Should the day in Lin Fang asked followed by answer ,Beats By Dre Electroplating. What ? Day should be asked .
relationresultLin Fangwith strange eyes looked should days . There ,should you ,since it is in the central area ,we don to break ,then as long as a shrine to the world ,you know the approximate location ,this natural than other poles one more chance ! , relationresultWhat?No need to break the seal ! Should the day after suddenly feel cheated .
Watching Lin Fang eyes filled with anger .relationresultYou hear me out ,I know you want to break the seal mean ,you want to one-up occupy a favorable position ,I have no comment ,but you have to think about it, the battle between god statue ,you men which God can get it ?You do not just exposed his intention !So I said not to break the seal .
This is the house for you to do now ,of course, as I pointed out your wrong, then I also have my condition ! Lin Fangyi Deputy behoove .relationresultHear theforest to open conditions ,although there are still should be prepared on the forest side sniff at w ��kXS.
CoM��-a music album .Lin Fang to be day attitude was not angry ,for any people will like this . Tell me about your condition ! Day should be asked .relationresultI want the same for a chance !I know you want to leave your son of God of respect ,I and you are same ,then seal Temple life, you and I will be the first time should be and forest into the sealed temple ,as to who can see god respect their good fortune ! Lin Fang words sounds very fair ,actually has accounted for the very great cheap .
relationresultThat I promise you !But you I want to stand in the same line, at least should be and forest two people have become a god statue before we have to make sure that no one can stop them ! Should the day is also out of their condition .
relationresultTheday the condition ,Lin Fang did not want to think agreed ,fifty to fifty probability to how Bo .Two three .Completed state .relationresultTwosecret agreement was reached, the very next day to central field edge are just doing a play ,and hurried to leave .
relationresultLi Jian brother !The forest and the day should be two people run to the broken seal ,nothing ,really made a big joke ! Du law in the first time to know this thing goes to Li Jianna to tell him .
relationresultThe thing I have thought about ,just didn they would be so fast, I always feel it is not what we imagined so simple .Lin Fang is the kind of man that his territory ?And now the central field empty ,have what is the use of the !Is this the central area has what thing or object that day should be found ? Li Jian also sensed something was wrong .
relationresultLi Jian brother !This is nothing strange ,this person will change !However, Lin Fang this time is really something ! Du law although not agree with Li Jian that the forest is for people, but he also felt something wrong .
relationresultBrother Du law ,to tell you the truth !Thousands of years ago, I had a kind of feeling ,that is the world ready to be born fifth gods respect ,and respect to God ,so must be Gods house recognition .
I think is it right? Day should be in the central area of the house to find the first step ! Li Jian put his thousands of years ago in the induction to say not , relationresultFifth of god statue was born ? Du law surprised .
The world which has Sanbaiwanyi years no one respect of God ,now there are fifth gods statue was born ,this gives a divine will bring a reign of terror ah ,not to say god statue of birth would cause the gods kill ,but god statue is really too seductive ,quadrupole must undergo a compete for access to the sealed Temple opportunities .
relationresultLi Jian brother ,you rest assured ,as long as the Li Jianxiong hand ,I Du law never and you Li Jianxiong . ! Du law guarantee .relationresultBrother Du law ,this is not what I meant ,god statue on our is not good, the key is to get the house that ,once you get a temple to admit ,if you enter a temple and how .
It was still going to get kicked out .So it better to go with the flow .Your brother Du law if intends to let Du Zhongcheng statue of a God ,but I can help ! Listen to Li Jian just like his people respect the God is not too interested ,but rather to help Du law Du Zhongcheng the son of god statue of .
This greatly exceeds the Du law imagination ,he dare not believe a little in front of the statue of Li Jian God ,God first god statue will be let off a great chance to improve their arctic .
relationresultLi Jian of brother ,you feel what is it right? ? Du law can not think it would be so simple .relationresultLil brother du !A top secret ,revealed too much will I give you trouble ,you as long as the normal heart to treat this thing can be ! Li Jian words give Du law a reminder ,Beats By Dre Lamborghini.
It is not so .The you who also take .relationresultAfter listening tothe words of Li Jian,Beats By Dre Red Sox, Du law as if thinking of sth. . Thanked Li Jianxiong reminded ! , relationresultnot rumor, if the day should be in the central areas were found within the sealed temple so he must act ,as long as we watch him on it ! , relationresultIknow.
Should the day and Lin Fang two I think they should also be ready ,we see what happens ? He asked the law .relationresultWe have to go along for the ride, though I don care too, but there can not let go ! Li Jianyi Deputy indifferent attitude .
relationresultWell !Li Jianxiong ,can you work out this letter when this temple ? He asked the law .relationresultLetter of temple life, is impossible to calculate out, I want you to know, this letter must have threatened before the temple .
There is an aura of life and when this is different .The present time when will this . , relationresultAfter hearing Li Jianmystical words Du law look to the central field orientation was lost in thought .
relationresultForest broad brother !We go home now ? Yang Lingen in the forest wide behind asked ,just spent a day to go, Yang Lin was not willing to .relationresultIf you want to stay here and I have no opinion ! Lin Guangbian was speaking .
Because in his opinion to send birthday if uncle to see ,how should also see yourself, did not expect it no one was stirring ,a day no response after forest broad disappointed to leave point city .
relationresultIn the 422nd chapter,it is you , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-134:22:23 chapter number :3219 , relationresultLin Guangtired of talking ,let Yang Lin feel depressed, but he can his stay at this point City ,so he had to feel helpless and forest broad back toward the point walking outside the city .
relationresultAta point when the city ,Yang Lin turned to the eye point City ,wanted to look at ,but did not think he saw it just let him ,also let Lin Guangdou stay in point city .As he looks back and sees a let him excited figure, it is the publicity .
relationresultZhang Yang andQin Qing Lin Jie does not leave ,but remained in the Point City ,Zhang Yang wanted to stay two days maybe that Lin Jie that has news .No thought of in the street by Yang Lin .
But he also suddenly do not know .relationresultWhensee the publicity ,Yang Linzhen can ,that boy actually come here .Yang Lin turned toward the front of the forest broad shouted: forest broad brother !I see ! Yang Lin tone and hurried and excited .
relationresultLin Guang turned to hisstrange look Yang Lin .Said impatiently : you shout and screaming about? What do you see ,you have not seen enough point city ? , relationresultAnd Yang Lin did asforest broad impatience and stopped talking . Related articles:

