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Only this once, later of words, if fruit you still make my hand, in no case will again Rao you."
"BE BE, not not, I will don't dare any further hereafter, stone, I have already thoroughly taken now, I am understand, you always all more more severe than me."The current facial expression of Wang Wen Long absolutely is move as toing cry, the idea reads in, relieved all materials that oneself packs Zhi crystal, soon, presented three on his head regiment light soul and five regiments of the green Ying Ying are blue light soul.
Three rare materials and five excellent material, Wang Wen Long at a stretch and all dedicated out, be showed from this he to beg a rare desire.
The stone declares a speech the hair doesn't will take out a time dollar bag from the waist, then equip these to all put into.
Wang Wen Long stares at this small time dollar bag, the facial expression becomes very difficult to see.
The stone declares a way:"You know this bag."
"BE ……not not, I am incognizant."Wang Wen Long forces stem to smile.
The stone declares the way of You You:"This bag is your own, are you how can incognizant?At that time at that demon the king's stomach bag inside, we almost perished together of time, I then secretly took to come over from your waist."
Wang Wen Long suddenly felt a cold idea, eyes stared at stone, feels to become thirsty tongue dry for an instant, difficulties thousand times tunnel:"In that time, you even if arrive ……do I want to make use of spooler to escape afterwards,Facebook?"At that time body in the sky, if the fruit wasn't a dollar bag suddenly disappearance, Wang Wen Long had already tossed a spooler escaped to return to, can't came to, either now this end.
Light way stone declares to shake, :"I just know that today we only a person can be on the hoof to leave a world, so I took first your time dollar bag, don't miss you escape this world while doing not divide a victory or defeat!"
Wang Wen Long hears here, but feels one greatly terrified, before, the stone declared to his impression, all is that kind of a had no matter place know die study of bookworm, so at school, seeing Lin Yao would fancy the person like this is absolutely to can not bear with, this just separates three to differ five of seek the trouble that the stone declares, have been till the last being killed to arrive at this all new world.
Unintentionally and again ran into a stone, by this time of stone already become abnormality of fierce stand in no fear of dead, but at inside, Wang Wen Long remains take him as a to know for dear life bumptious fellow, he feels, stone declares inside, should be that kind of scholar temperament that doesn't know to improvise.
Until now, be to know that the stone declares in fact as early as that demon Wang Wei Dai silently take away own dollar bag, just felt not in the right,google, all over don't aware of self of come out an algidity.
At that several near despair of under the circumstance, this stone declares and unexpectedly also thoughts of this one step, scheming like this, connect always from thought to is the bad person's Wang Wen Long, also tremble with fear, he finally understand, oneself always, all saw wrong this stone, so, this stone declared to receive his material, really Rao is he one life?
For an instant, Wang Wen Long's full face big sweat.

The first gathers bush abscondence-the fifth gather an absolute being monster gentleman to face chapter 39 to pack a Zhi difference to change
Renew time:2009-9-1011:18:10 chapter word numbers:3259

The stone declares to looking at Wang Wen the longan bottom peeps out to come profoundly to fear, slowly way:"If on that day you didn't seek me, I can't accidentally lose to kill you and then can't is judged death penalty, either, can't be forced to leave Lin Yao to escape abroad, can't meet shipwreck to arrive at this world, can't even remain not to know where Lin Yao Shen is till now..***Www.If not because of you, I now remain a meeting very happily live with Lin Yao together, if not because of you ……then had no later all these!"Is suddenly quiet of the voice became fierce Chi and peeped out a beyond expression exasperation on the face, red Long Qiang Chi's ground in the hand is a , insert from ground Wang Wen Long's right eye, pierced through his head, mercilessly nailed to go into ground.
"-" Wang Wen Long opens mouth miserably Hao and splashes on blood of face, the crary Hao calls:"Don't !You once said not to kill mine!Not-"
"Anyone can forgive and only have you, Wang Wen Long!"Stone Xuan Xin Di, put off the exasperation, grudge for a long time particularly if the volcano erupts, in the eye project to the utmost crary expression, pulled out red Long Qiang to jilt a part, the hands grasp to have a ground of top just at continuously Hao call of Wang Wen Long's head, then mercilessly bump to come over with the head.Simultaneously bump part the crary Hao call:"Wang Wen Long!Wang Wen Long!All these all because of you!All because of you!"
The stone in nowadays declares absolutely particularly if the evil monster of a head of madness, use own forehead bumps shot to begin to win Wang Wen Long's head, both parties all bump fresh bloodily.Wang Wen Long continuously bellows, the eyefuls all fear but despairing air, he finally understood, today, oneself is difficult to escape poison hand.
"Did not make sense of, didn't make sense!The god lets I am in this world rebirth come over, for of be make me seek you to beg for to return that human life, don't make sense!Why do I want to again die again in your hand!I am unwilling!Is unwilling-"
Double eye blood stone declares to laugh wildly, only one Shan, again and heavily bump, there is no material of Wang Wen Long current head abnormality weak, declare crary strength in the stone in, the skull is bumped spilt open the blind side of a way.
"Let you come to this world, not is let you beg for to still revenge, but for allowing me to kill you again one more of!You this animal that damn,cnn, be because of you, I just become with Lin Yao now like this-you die 10,000 times all not enough!"Stone declares crazy Hao, the good long time just finishes venting, while falling calm hands in Wang Wen Long's head have been already been bumped the flesh and blood is misty, become one regiment lousy meat, the bloody thing mixs together and touch eyes shocking.
Stone slowly of from this regiment the lousy meat, touched a few very small fragments.
Resist absolute being to pack Zhi crystal.Very obviously, this would be that king text dragon of pack Zhi crystal fragment.
Wang Wen Long, finally die can not die again.
Fisted fragment, just thinking knead it into powder, the Tu livings a difference to change.
Stone just on kneading tightly, that fragment was made an effort by him on holding unexpectedly and suddenly the Zhan projected strong of green ray of light.The stone declares that eating an is surprised busy to loosen to open a hand, but see this fragment unexpectedly automate for the sake of one regiment green juice, oozed into inside own body, changing into a regiment can feel to get of the strong strength was absorbed by packing of oneself's between the eyebrows Zhi crystal.
Stone declares the monster absolute being of between the eyebrows crystal, particularly if the huge whale absorbs water this regiment green juice absorbed into, close behind this crystal surface also the Zhan project strong ray of light, gradual of the ray of light changed into the energy cover of one regiment green jade green, oneself original of the monster absolute being crystal cover with at among them.
Although this regiment energy cover is still thinner and diluted, but stone already the mind vibrate, not ability from with.
Say, can packing the mutual of Zhi crystal also gobble up?
Not is such, after absorbing Na this packing of king text dragon Zhi crystal fragment, stone even ability clear feel own monster of the absolute being crystal is in the continuous magpies more wear, seem to be very excited, again particularly if original incubate therein a certain thing, be awakenned.In fine, the stone can feel, own monster absolute being crystal, become to seem a bit different with past, but cautiously look into, the very thin energy being augmentative covers, besides which, and then can not tell to have what other varieties.
This felling Xuan it again Xuan, slowly, this felling precipitates down in the brain and finally and clearly shows four words.
"The double holds weapon".
Does the double hold weapon?Mean, as all offending the warrior of type Related articles:

